The evidence is coming out at last of what was pretty clear all along-but that the ruling liberals were too afraid to mention. For all of the corruption in the Democratic Party and its abject cultivation of the billionaire base, it was not just that the Democrats performed badly, but that Donald Trump, for all his money was so deeply unpopular in the United States that he did not win that election at all. The only mandate that he has is a mandate to resign immediately.
Thank you to John Spritzler for posting the recent detailed article by Greg Palast TRUMP LOST. Vote Suppression Won that gives convincing evidence that Donald Trump did not win at all, but rather that Republican operatives used massive voter suppression (by disqualifying voters, destroying ballots, or making voting impossible).
I think the evidence is overwhelming. It is also true that the Democrats were so bankrupt that they did not even question this criminal process. There is deep hostility to the Trump agenda in America. The enthusiasm for his reactionary actions are being generated artifically through a corrupt and collaborating media run by the billionaires.
But Greg Palast, true to form, is a liberal and does not take a stand. He does not say that Republicans are guilty of voter fraud (a felony); he does not say Trump should step down. And he does not call for a special election in which voters, not billionaires, select the president. Palast is a coward, in other words. He complains but does nothing.
Are we supposed to expect that somehow we will get a more fair electorial system where poor people’s votes are not eliminated by the rich and powerful, where real candidates are allowed to run and be covered by real journalists if we are quiet and wait? Well, after the fraud in the 2000 election, which still has not been treated as the crime that it was, the situation just has gotten worse.
We are force fed frauds like Trump and incompetents like Harris because we permit it. No one makes any demands.
The growth of totalitarian government ends when we say no. Otherwise, complete dictatorship is what we will get, and granted the speed at which the Trump regime is shutting down government, or outsourcing it to multinational IT firms, we will not have a government at all after a few more months.
Let me be me the first to demand a special election and an end to this regime. I stand in opposition to bogus politicians like Gavin Newsom who claim to be against Trump, but whom embrace him when he comes to visit and complete the regime change operation in California, and then to blame the operation on China. This election was not legitimate or acceptable and we need a real election. The Republican fraud was greater this time (just as the Democratic fraud was greater last time). But ultimately both parties lack any legitimacy.
We must have a special election and we must demand that Trump and his whole cabinet of billionaires step down immediately.
Here is our original proposal at Green Liberty for a special election. “Why the United States Requires a special, presidential election”.
I demand that preparation for a supervised election be started immediately. Neither the Democratic Party, nor the Republican Party, both of which are not political parties but rather consulting and political action firms reporting to billionaires, private equity, multinational corporations, and foreign nations, will play any role in this election.
Let us start our preparations today. We do not have long before the criminals in charge shut down what remains of government and implement their plans for lockdowns at home and world war abroad.
We have a better chance to make changes in local government. The Federal government is occupied by a foreign government. No hope in local candidates who are bought and paid for by them. The people have to be the change. They have to value freedom and defend it with all they have. We have to be the government
The election was stolen by voter suppression, stolen ballots, voter purges on a massive scale and democratic willingness to be railroaded.