“Justice for Targeted Individuals: Extending our Movement to Asia”
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“Justice for Targeted Individuals: Extending our Movement to Asia”
Open Townhall Meeting
Emanuel Pastreich
Director of Center for Truth Politics, Green Liberty
(Former candidate for president in the Green Party and Independent Candidate)
November 20, 2024 (Wednesday)
8 PM Eastern Standard Time (10 AM Tokyo; 9 AM Beijing on Nov. 21)
Richard Lighthouse
Targeted Justice
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 926 1789 4586
Passcode: 038837
The illegal and unconstitutional targeting of citizens, targeted individuals (TI), is the cutting edge of the horrific preparations and training to wage unconventional war against all Americans, and against citizens of the entire Earth as part of what David Hughes describes as an “omniwar.” We must stand with all targeted individuals and demand that the programs be stopped immediately and that the full contours of these criminal operations be disclosed to the public through the complete declassification of these treacherous experiments in secret governance by an unaccountable invisible empire that cannot be named.
East Asia, that is to say South Korea, Japan, China, and other nations, also have many victims of attacks with microwave radiation, sophisticated harassment and illegal interference (which cannot be responded through in the justice system or in the media) in their personal lives that demand justice. Targeted Justice will launch a program, starting with a regular broadcast in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages, that addresses these concerns and serves as the basis for international cooperation in the resistance to these deadly programs that threaten all of us. Emanuel Pastreich, professor of Asian Studies at University of Illinois, George Washington University, and Kyung Hee University in Korea, former candidate for president in the Green Party, and currently the director of the Center for Truth Politics at Green Liberty will open this discussion with an introduction by Richard Lighthouse, long-time advocate for targeted individuals.
Please do join us and provide your questions and comments.
Please expose that the recent Plandemic was already WW3.
If that can’t be acknowledged, more covert means of war will never be suspected.
I will post my comments now.