The Great Unraveling of the COVID-19 global psychological operation has entered its final stage.
This letter from the Department of Health and Human Services is real, it represents a shift in the tide, and it is but one example, but a critical one.
These words are all true. But the next step will not be to become more weary about government, to be more careful about the Constitution and the rule of law, or to pass new laws and regulations. The next step is not to stop requiring so many foolish vaccines.
No, the next step must be, if we want to end this nightmare, to seize the assets, not only of the corporations that promoted these actions, but of the billionaires hiding offshore, or behind trusts and funds, who pushed for this war on humanity.
Moreover, all the classified documents, documents hidden by nondisclosure agreements, between corporations, governments, international organizations, and individuals, must be made public, without acception, so that everyone will know what happened and the responsibility, moral and financial, can be traced by anyone with ease.
The moral, legal and constitutional basis for such action is self-evident.
There is no other stance possible and the sooner people grasp this reality, the sooner we can bring an end to this nightmare. Those like Robert Kennedy who make some vague suggestions that something was not right, and can be solved by future laws and regulations, are not doing anyone any favors except the billionaires whom he counts among his closest friends.
No more!
Unfortunately you are right. Big words before the election, just like years ago, Cleaning The Swamp, no, drowning in it! How can two Zionists ban the work of the Zionists? How can these ultra rich people clean up the ultrarich people? No one cuts the branch on which he is sitting but a fool. I don't think any of them are that foolish. They all belong to the same swamp.
Seizing assets, punishing people who tell others what to do - that's not a fix, that is continuing to get into the fray of what is wrong. Everything is wrong because the foundations of our society are wrong. Ecoomies based on greed, accumulation and competition - all wrong! When you base an economy on such things, everything built upon that is going to be distorted and dystopic. I know its a task to change the economy's basis but we don't have to change it, we just have to start using an economy that is based on the proper foundations. And what would they be? Well strtangely if we truly believed in freedom it would mean we believe in sovereignty and individual sovereignty is actually what would make everything go right. As far as an exchange medium is concerned, (ie: money) we don't need middle men like banks or governments. Unless we want to stay like children and always having to get their permission. People may think that there won't be any checks and balances but there will be if we live in an open internet where free speech reigns supreme.