Before 911, I had no idea how many dual citizens were (and are) operational within the US Government. As long as I can remember, our media has been dog shit, but after Epstein (mossad) ran through our politicians and celebrities, and Clinton signed the Telecom Act of 1996 allowing the consolidation of media, it's no wonder people aren't aware of the insanity of dual Israeli citizens running our government into the ground.

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Oregon has two the last I looked. One national senator and one national representative and they are still in office. There is no way to get rid of these fucks once they get elected. Oregon rigs every election and has for many years.

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Israeli Occupied Territory 🥲

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Interesting, how just a few days prior to the anniversary of the "9/11 false flag" the Cheney's publicized their intent to vote for Kamala. The DNC big tent 🎪 is actually a horrific freskshow.

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And sad sack Bernie Sanders praised Cheney for his endorsement. If anything else this shows the two party illusion for what it is and how far to the right this losing empire is positioning itself. As Gore Vidal noted the US is a one party state with two right wings.

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He did!? Jain faced dog .I used to like him

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Thank you Tony for your thoughtful post. Hope everyone has a chance to read.


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That is beautifully written Emanuel, so brilliantly encapsulating what many of us feel in our hearts. Just as television could have been a fabulous tool for disseminating peace, knowledge and brotherhood, the USA could have been such an instrument. Neither happened. We have been so naive to believe that the elites would let go of their stranglehold on the rest of us.

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Yes all true now what are we going to do about it! Solve the Land Problem with tax shift to commons rent to address gross wealth inequality, homelessness, poverty and war!

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I do post often on Twitter and Facebook, because that gives me some thought that perhaps my old twitter and Facebook loved ones may see it. I do not really care, we have gone too far down the wrong path and the outcome has not been good. Our constitution has been violated in so many ways after the false flag of 9-11. Our war machine went into hyper mode then and millions of deaths occurred. That blood paved the way for the Covid-19 false flag and the destruction of the small businesses and weaponization of our health care system. I will vote this election but not for either of the appointed monsters and I refuse to vote for the lessor evil or for any evil. I do not pay income taxes and have not for 40 years. Our government must follow the constitution or I am not interested in what pedifile says this or that. Fuck the government, fuck 9-11, fuck Covid-19 and shame on the government for Killing the Kennedy's. All War is Evil. No More War. Stop funding these unending evil wars.

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Cannot imagine voting for anyone but you Mr. Pastreich, truer words were never spoken.

For an incredible deep dive into the event of 9/11, please read David A. Hughes substack: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/in-defence-of-judy-wood-0ce

On that morning 23 years ago, I knew instantly it was a false flag/inside job when the air force did not scramble. THEY wanted it to happen for all the evil reasons we now know. I never fell for the propaganda for a second.

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Sadly, I could not agree more Mr. Pastreich.

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Thanks for that link P.Brooks. In the face of such a demonic monster, how can we the people remove it's power? Passive resistance was a useful tool used to rid India of it's foreign overlords. The difference being that India was not full of brainwashed zombies. So before anything can be done the consciousness of hundreds of millions of people needs to be re-animated.

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Here's an elaboration on exactly how we can remove the rich from power. The most logical, wise, practical and pro-human pro-freedom pro-prosperity way out of the oligarchy that i know of..



And https://www.pdrboston.org/let-s-get-organized

And https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism

And https://www.pdrboston.org/mr-billionaire See what a true debate with Mr. Billionaire looks like

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The Rutherford's are constitutional Lawyers and are members of my dwindaling group of heros.

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Sadly, although the Rutherford Institute originally agreed to support my case, they abandoned it and completely stopped communicating with me. I think they do not want to take on big state crimes

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Sorry to hear that. They do stand up for our constitution

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Barbara Honegger – The Pentagon and 9/11

Behind the Smoke Curtain – 2nd Edition (2015)


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911 Nukes at WTC: Read the Pommer Report

Was WTC 1 & 2 & 7 taken down with a combination of Thermate and nuclear bombs?


The Teterboro airport’s security company, as of 9/11/2001, waived through illicit cargoes of all kinds.

The buildings destroyed at the World Trade Center were demolished using nuclear devices brought into the US through Teterboro Airport, according to the DOE report. Investigator’s statements say that “there were no customs-only passport forms to be filled out by the flight crews. There was never any physical inspection of baggage or aircraft. “

Able Danger investigators tracked the devices through the airport and maintained surveillance of all involved until the records were seized by the orders of Michael Chertoff.

VT specifically asked the real Able Danger team who owned the plane that delivered the nuclear weapons to the Teterboro Airport. Their answer:

Jeffrey Epstein…who “lent” his planes to the Mossad on a regular basis…


Nuclear 9/11 – The Pommer Report:


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Ever notice that the new “One World” Trade Center rises 1776-feet high, looks like two open-ended four-sided pyramids with one pyramid inverted and lowered onto the bottom pyramid, and across the street is the new Oculus “All Seeing Eye” building?

Eerie coincidence, or another display of the Rothschild’s Illuminati that was founded on May Day, May 1, 1776?

See also the Rothschilds Opus One Winery that was built to look like a Masonic Compass & Square:


One World Trade Center:




One World Trade Center & Oculus & 911 Memorial:



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9-11 X 23 = speechless and appalled


Emanuel Pastreach for President 2024

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