May 19Liked by Emanuel Pastreich

I t should be required to have ALL candidates in the debate, also these that cannot afford a large campaign. No matter what everyone thinks of the candidates, they all deserve to be heard. Each should answer questions about the ongoing causes in this country. I think lots more people would watch, and the outcome could be very different from the 3 large bells we hear constantly ringing!

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As far as I am concerned , that would be great. I most certainly would invite Biden, even if he plays no role in his so-called administration, and Cornell West whose hypocrisy is astonishing but is still calling out critical issues others will not touch. But I think if we start having a real debate it will be clear that neither Trump or Biden are interested.

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May 19Liked by Emanuel Pastreich

Donald Trump , we, the American people, demand that you cease and desist, lay down arms and turn yourself into the lawful enforcement for this country, America. You are hereby noticed that you have been found to be a criminal, committing fraud, personage, inland piracy, intent to commit genocide with your warp speed program to vaccinate millions with a bioweapon.

We demand that you stop all public speaking and come to the truth of your activities now.

You are working for an INCORPORATED BUSINESS and you have received money for services that are criminal. You do not represent the people, America, or any affiliate of our lawful American government which is here and standing and all 50 states are active now. We are The United Staes of America unincorporated and we demand you to step down from any platforms where you speak as a fraudulent representative for anyone. We demand that you reveal your true identity within 48 hours of this moment of publishing. We demand that you turn yourself in to the lawful enforcement of our lawful country authorities, ie our Militia for the unincorporated American government so you may face our claims, and justice.

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I wrote in my defense of Trump in January 2021 that he should have been impeached only on the things he was clearly guilty of and that can be proven. Remuneration is the key crime and it is easily proven.

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Trump's crimes against the people (americans and humanity in general) of this mass-murderer anti-Christ mega-deceiver (and the entire zionist deep state billionaire marketing machine that brought him to power and that will bring him to power again, with their mossad-created Qanon deceptive narrative that falsely presents him as the savior who came to fight the elite for the little guy, a manipulative narrative which his devoted followers still gullibly believe to this day) his crimes agaimst humanity are much more numerous than what you mentioned here (and will require several comments just to list them all) but the crime you mentioned is definitely a severe one..

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And so has Biden.

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May 19·edited May 19Author

"Biden" is not a person but rather a placeholder for a collection of consultants for banks, foreign governments, and arms manufacturers and other wealth funds. Big money from Israel and Taiwan lobbies too. WestExec, Asia Group, Pine Island Capital, Stone ridge Albright and Center for a New American Security are the central places where they gather to feed. None of them are qualified.

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that is why several people on Substack call him the resident! I think Jeff Childers might have started that

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May 19Liked by Emanuel Pastreich

Calling Mike ter Maat, Mike Ter Matt is like calling Biden, Brandon.

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Will fix later

Unlike ter Matt, I do not have money or a staff. All I have is truth and with truth I am now the leading candidate

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Please cite the poll in which you are the leading candidate.

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Dear Vonu, I am so so happy you asked that question! So polls in the US are a complete fraud and they are used by multinational banks who make the real decisions as a means to eliminate candidates who are threatening. Polls are run by for-profit corporations who benefit from results that help their bottom line. I do not have a single friend who has ever been called up in one these "polls". Moreover what can be answered to a pollster is based on the biased news fed to us by--you guessed it!- multinational corporations . They do not ask real questions and you can be sure that very few of them ask any questions about people like me, or the other independent candidates. But I am not going to claim that there is enormous hidden support for me. We really do not know since I am completely blocked out of the media through a series of Homeland Security directives. However, if I was asked why I could be seen as a leading candidate I would not have trouble responding. I would note that the front runners are all guilty of active collaboration in massive state crimes and that they cover them up in most all their comments. This by itself eliminates them as candidates and we must demand they pull out of the race. Moreover, as the only candidate who was directly involved in the central organization of resistance to the Bust regime's reign of crime from Feb 2001 through June 2004, I have already proven a commitment that the other candidates do not have. Anyone who reads what I write, esp my book Bitter Tonic, can see I am not fooling around and I am not interested in a single stinking penny from billionaires. I will bring massive criminal charges against the Koch and Walton families, Musk, Buffett, Bezos and Gates from the first day. They are all going down, and their billionaire friend in Paris, London, Berlin, Tokyo and Beijing. Tell me, Vonu, are any of those other candidates taking on the rich over their participation in state crimes?

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May 19Liked by Emanuel Pastreich

Where are you listed as the leading candidate?

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I have already answered the question.

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I don't need an answer, then.

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Presidential debates? You must be referring to the two upcoming Stalinist-style performances which eliminates all Independent candidates solely featuring the "Orange Idiot" and the "Butcher of Gaza" held in a vacuous hermetically sealed studio controlled by the national security state ensuring the candidate's microphones are capriciously muted.😁

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