The Dems had more than 50 years to codify Roe v Wade, but they didn't as it was politically expedient to use "abortion" as an election ploy every two or four years.

Meanwhile, the desperate idiotic Mr. Warpspeed is taking pride in repealing a law that guaranteed women's reproductive rights.

As someone who despised the scamdemic "mandates" I find the repeal of Roe v Wade equally appallingly as it abrogates bodily autonomy.

It appears that the criminal pharmaceutical companies, techno/fascists, and corrupt apparatchiks have a pyschopathic desire to physically control each person on the planet.

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This will provide some context as to the usage of the term "abortion." I know the author, Douglas Harper, and consider him a reliable source.


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To ignore the dead baby's rights & to consider only women's rights, when judging the abortion of an unborn child - is to ignore the dead victim's rights & to consider only Killer's rights, when judging the murder of any registered citizen.


The younger a child - the more it needs the protection by the entire society, it will be born into - and the more evil is that perverted logic of that total blackout of responsibility towards the youngest ones of us, that have NO one in support of their survival.


To me as a German, this sounds like the most perverted NAZI-philosophy imaginable - to justify the mass-murder on unborn Baby's with that artificially created FAKE-right of women, for their denial of NATURE & their shortsighted, stupid promiscuity, lust & mass-murder.


In natural reality - the survival of the human species depends on the male to preserve his fertility against ALL STEALTH efforts from BILL GATES & other mass-murderers for his clandestine sterilization - and the female to preserve her fertility against BILL GATES & Big Pharma against FAKE-vaccinations & other criminal means like military grade "feminism", to subvert the natural role of the female fertility & deep love of its natural role to give birth to new life.


Right now, especially some of the American Billionaires are fed up of Democracy & all of "We The People" - as for at least 61 years since the Murder of the sitting US-President John F. Kennedy by the American SECRET "service" - the American CIA is HIDING ALL EVIDENCE & PROOF on orders of ALL presidents ever since . . . !


This means in REALITY- the American "democracy" has been a FAKE for at least 61 years - and only President Donald Trump has dared, ever since that sinister Kennedy-Murder in 1963, to announce the draining of that corrupt & criminal swamp, that is in total denial of HONESTY, COURAGE & COMPETENCE.


So that American swamp is NOW running AMOK around the globe - in that criminal hope - to throw the world into OVERWHELMING IMMIGRATION-CHAOS created carefully by widening WAR & FEAR, so they hope they can steal another FAKE-election . . . ?


"DEPOPULATION" is is the common denominator of ALL those crazy FAKE PROBLEMS that all those REAL criminal Psychopath's & Government Killers desire & create, with all their crimes since 1963, starting with exactly that President, who said he would abolish the CIA, as "SECRECY WAS REPUGNANT IN ANY DEMOCRACY . . ."



President John F. Kennedy

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City

April 27, 1961

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