Emanuel, I have enjoyed your work immensely, and offer my condolences for the loss of your wife, your tribute is beautiful. I sent you an email asking for more details about the Israeli communications operations inside China, which I imagine are similar to their operations inside the US, but have not evidence. How did you come up with that thesis?

My best and Happy Thanksgiving,

R. Leland Lehrman



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Emanuel, I apologize deeply for the previous comment, I had not listened carefully, nor to the whole message. IT was great. You have done your homework, you have even visited a foreign nation (China) to see what is really going on, you have good insight to realize that due to the nature of the establishment news we cannot trust anything we are told, you are articulate, and you explained exactly my position in a very complete and competent way. Good work.

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Marx's principle work was a 'crtique' of (capital)ism !

Like Hegel he saw history as being cinematic .

His theory of class struggle necessarily dealt with two opposing classes those who own and those who don't...

Bill Gates (personal wealth..150 billion) is defo ruling class as was our Queen.

Those of us that have understood our NHS and it's brilliance in the 50'60'70s when it was publically owned and functioned to provide the very best healthcare scientifically possible for every man woman or child..

It was the largest employer in Europe where employee had the guarantees of sick pay, pension, etc etc .

Needless to say we have privatisation by stealth taking place as bits are sold off..

Should important systems such as healthcare be left to the market? NO

Neither should the utilities, homes, etc etc..

A bit of public ownership.

"Take back what's ours or the king loses his head" 😉

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Listening from the UK, will surely enter into debate once I've heard the full recording.

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