The American Technological Reign of Terror chooses AI as the destructor
The results are in and we can announce which of the various tools available to the billionaires in their bid to enslave and destroy the vast majority of humanity has been selected by the Trump administration to replace the battle-weary destructor of the Biden administration the COVID-19 pandemic multinational scam. Yes, DARPA and its corporate and finance partners, forming a bio-pharmacological -intelligence-finance-military complex, have upgraded their strategy, employing the valuable information on human behavior that was collected during the COVID reign of terror.
They have a new approach to instilling fear and uncertainty, and reducing citizens to frightened mice scampering from one cardboard messiah to another.
I am opening the envelope right now.
And the new destructor we have chosen is “Governance by AI!”
That is right, the Trump administration, and its allies and accomplices, visible or hidden, have decided that using the term AI to obscure how decisions are actually made. AI will be the official name given to digital tyranny that we will be force fed. It will be presented as a inevitable and welcome development that will bring a new age of happiness, and that is an absolute must for security and health—to compete with China, or to assure that bad things do not happen.
AI artificial intelligence is a vague and meaningless term for the use of computers. But it means that citizens must get all their information about the world from a black box which follows rules and directives that are hidden from us, and in many cases classified, and that excludes any opinions not labelled as reliable by AI itself.
But it goes much further than that. Government and schools, businesses and militaries, will have their entire chain of commands, their decision-making processes outsourced to AI. We are told that AI is scientific and that it helps us the citizens, even creates jobs. But AI is meant to destroy all jobs and make us dependent for food, devices, transportation, information, education, water, housing and all other services on unaccountable AI. That AI will be sold to us under the name of Google, Amazon, or Meta, but it will in fact be run by Palantir, MITRE, or Oracle, private intelligence agencies serving billionaires. Such AI is already walking us along a path towards enslavement, with a few ups and downs to make the process feel natural, and it is being carried out over the months and years. Because these players employ banks of supercomputers to engage and manipulate the individual, the targeted population, the nation state, and the region, employing using symbols and powerful rhetoric that is customized so as to seem natural, scientific and sincere, and that information is fed to use through public intellectuals or journals we trust—often so-called truth tellers and whistle blowers who appear in the media, few can figure out what is really being done.
The transformation of human society into prison camps, and later into liquidation centers, cannot be grasped by citizens in part because of the mass psychological traumas of 9.11 and COVID that were designed by the combination of fright and denial to stimulate the “fight or flight” amygdala (reptile brain) so as to override the rational prefrontal cortex without human beings aware they were being manipulated.
It might be best to describe the current plans for the destruction of civil society by banks of super computers and slowly released by governments and corporations as discrete and unrelated policies, as the modern equivalent of the Nazca lines.
The Nazca lines are a group of over 700 “geoglyphs” drawn in that sand of Peru’s Nazca Desert. Those shallow ruts cut in the sand two thousand years ago seem like but odd lines in the earth to the ignorant traveler, but viewed from the air they take the form of birds, monkeys, and other fauna.
Today, we are confronted by senseless shifts and turns in policies in the nation states around the world, the seeming insanity and foolishness of Trump, for example.
But from the vantage point of the supercomputers, the big plan is clear. Unmistakable patterns emerge that are invisible to the citizen rendered who is rendered as passive consumer. In effect, unless we question everything and take down the billionaires and their supercomputer fortresses, we are being led to checkmate by powers we cannot possibly outsmart. The only option is to change the rules of the game.
Trump wants everyone to think we should bow down to him as his king of the only salvation. The whole thing is so primitive it is nauseating
Energy of Shape
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