RFK Jr. already fulfilled his function for the oligarchy (bringing the hippies and dreamers into the billionaire empire's fold and making sure they unwittingly vote for trump/vance and their technocratic oligarchs and NeoCon Zionists into power). He is not needed anymore, he already did his PR job for the american-israeli billionaires and their global empire.
He will either be completely discarded/sidestepped, or he might he brought back occasionally into the limelight (if there are some murmurs of discontent among the plebs) to be used again to reassure (=deceive) the hippies that trump's NeoCon Oligarchs really really care about the people and are making america great again by protecting us from "the communist woke threat" and "the muslim terrorist threat". See here exactly how they play this trick on us https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
We are witnessing the final chapter in the play when the choice for every thing fully artificial (AI transhuman delusions) is contrasted with Actual Intelligence (Divine AI). No-one can say that we have not been warned as to the compelling nature of demonic underworld temptations over millennia.
Now those ''with eyes to see...'' can only serve to guide towards the Real Truth, Beauty and Goodness of what is so much taken for granted and/or destroyed in ignorance and delusion.
In my view, the only long-term prospect for the genuine progress of mankind in terms of mind-body-spirit is to realise that the Universe is One Divine Mind exploring ITs endless possibilities.
Trump sold out US Pro golfers to Saudi LIV golf! You have no idea what he did. It is not American protections of hard work & integrity. Middle Eastern sell out! Absolute disgust.
Who the name of US sanctity would sell themselves out to Saudi oil con jobs upon their own land upon which I live!? This is MY land! Not Trump & his international connection scam to mess me club.
I think it will all fail. And even more people will wake up. Another world will and is already being born. It is just very hard to go through physically and mentally.
On a mainstream news site THIS morning, here in Belgium:
'Belgian labs have been keeping quiet about incidents involving viruses for years: 'Even infections are kept quiet'
HLN investigators - journalists: the country has dozens of laboratories that work with viruses. Incidents regularly happen where people get infected, but they are never reported to the authorities. That's according to research by HLN. Some of the labs nevertheless work with dangerous viruses. “This is shocking,” virologists respond. “Incident reporting is required by law.” Why don't labs do that? How often do accidents occur? And what is the risk of a virus escaping to the outside world?'
They own one. They are the owned. And they are self- destruction. Owning so much thru corporate welfare fraud, using this imbalance for even more self greed is proving my point it is a disease of the mind. The more money outside of survival a human gets the more inflated his brain becomes. Then it advances to empowered over everyone. Then it advances to out of control higher than holier than any rational thoughts outside of his addicted self serving mind. Worst addiction upon humanity that is as real as the plot these greedy addicts pose
Don't you get it? They are the biggest addicts ever known to mankind. It is far past time to address their psychosis as such.
A lot depends on how many sheep like people are taken in by convenience etc., it is going to take concerted effort by the MAJORITY for a number of years.
Trump wants everyone to think we should bow down to him as his king of the only salvation. The whole thing is so primitive it is nauseating
And Bill Gates probably made Kennedy jr powerless again in his recent meeting with Trump.
Presidents and government members are STAR Struck yet Again.
It's the same old, sad story, once more. Look at this, published in 2019!:
RFK Jr. already fulfilled his function for the oligarchy (bringing the hippies and dreamers into the billionaire empire's fold and making sure they unwittingly vote for trump/vance and their technocratic oligarchs and NeoCon Zionists into power). He is not needed anymore, he already did his PR job for the american-israeli billionaires and their global empire.
He will either be completely discarded/sidestepped, or he might he brought back occasionally into the limelight (if there are some murmurs of discontent among the plebs) to be used again to reassure (=deceive) the hippies that trump's NeoCon Oligarchs really really care about the people and are making america great again by protecting us from "the communist woke threat" and "the muslim terrorist threat". See here exactly how they play this trick on us https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
We are witnessing the final chapter in the play when the choice for every thing fully artificial (AI transhuman delusions) is contrasted with Actual Intelligence (Divine AI). No-one can say that we have not been warned as to the compelling nature of demonic underworld temptations over millennia.
Now those ''with eyes to see...'' can only serve to guide towards the Real Truth, Beauty and Goodness of what is so much taken for granted and/or destroyed in ignorance and delusion.
In my view, the only long-term prospect for the genuine progress of mankind in terms of mind-body-spirit is to realise that the Universe is One Divine Mind exploring ITs endless possibilities.
For sure we need to proliferate a 'new conversation' https://peterforrest.substack.com/
Trump sold out US Pro golfers to Saudi LIV golf! You have no idea what he did. It is not American protections of hard work & integrity. Middle Eastern sell out! Absolute disgust.
Who the name of US sanctity would sell themselves out to Saudi oil con jobs upon their own land upon which I live!? This is MY land! Not Trump & his international connection scam to mess me club.
I think it will all fail. And even more people will wake up. Another world will and is already being born. It is just very hard to go through physically and mentally.
On a mainstream news site THIS morning, here in Belgium:
'Belgian labs have been keeping quiet about incidents involving viruses for years: 'Even infections are kept quiet'
HLN investigators - journalists: the country has dozens of laboratories that work with viruses. Incidents regularly happen where people get infected, but they are never reported to the authorities. That's according to research by HLN. Some of the labs nevertheless work with dangerous viruses. “This is shocking,” virologists respond. “Incident reporting is required by law.” Why don't labs do that? How often do accidents occur? And what is the risk of a virus escaping to the outside world?'
Jeroen Bossaert 23-01-25, 07:00
Taxation is the power to create or destroy wealth and human well-being.
They own one. They are the owned. And they are self- destruction. Owning so much thru corporate welfare fraud, using this imbalance for even more self greed is proving my point it is a disease of the mind. The more money outside of survival a human gets the more inflated his brain becomes. Then it advances to empowered over everyone. Then it advances to out of control higher than holier than any rational thoughts outside of his addicted self serving mind. Worst addiction upon humanity that is as real as the plot these greedy addicts pose
Don't you get it? They are the biggest addicts ever known to mankind. It is far past time to address their psychosis as such.
Brilliant essay! History repeats itself:
Thank you!
They will self destruct. There's too much corrupt imbalance. Humanity is not a robot.
Their dreams of it may look real to them at the moment.
Extremes on this level trying to replace US branches of protected civilty is on display.
A lot depends on how many sheep like people are taken in by convenience etc., it is going to take concerted effort by the MAJORITY for a number of years.
I say it happens now. Not on years. They are laughing at us as we speak.
Of course it should happen NOW, but there is a lot of work to be done in so many areas