Thank you for your determination and bravery in getting out this dire warning and your history lesson description of how the 1st world war came to be. If the other comments have been mysteriously erased that means that Substack is also compromised where it is advertised as a place for free speech.
It seems as if man is going to destroy man and the parasites will survive the blast in their bunkers they’ve spent years and fortunes building. We need a miracle I wonder if God will come back and save us now so many have forsaken Him. The all powerful entities and cabal of elites you speak of who orchestrated this Russian/Ukrainian war and the covid plandemic to begin their takeover of the whole world and to starve maim mutilate and murder to depopulate it drastically before they ensure they nuke it will have to meet their maker eventually. That is all we have left to live for.
The other comments have been mysteriously erased
Thank you for your determination and bravery in getting out this dire warning and your history lesson description of how the 1st world war came to be. If the other comments have been mysteriously erased that means that Substack is also compromised where it is advertised as a place for free speech.
It seems as if man is going to destroy man and the parasites will survive the blast in their bunkers they’ve spent years and fortunes building. We need a miracle I wonder if God will come back and save us now so many have forsaken Him. The all powerful entities and cabal of elites you speak of who orchestrated this Russian/Ukrainian war and the covid plandemic to begin their takeover of the whole world and to starve maim mutilate and murder to depopulate it drastically before they ensure they nuke it will have to meet their maker eventually. That is all we have left to live for.
Be sure to see to grasp the meaning of "nuclear war." Be sure to start at the beginning if the link does not land you there.