Dear Piki, Thank you for your kind comments. Your part of the world is close to me as my mother's family is in Luxembourg and I was most inspired by my grandfather and his anti-fascist efforts therr.

But Belgium has been occupied by the globalist, in Brussels. It is a sad state or affairs

See here


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I've read that in Europe, Belgians are the most subservient vassals of the "Global Predators".

Revolution will never come out of Brussels for sure!

Just to prove the thinking in the EU chicken coop, they've voted tens of 1000s of sanctions against Russia since Feb 2022 that have backfired in a big way. I was reading a report about extra spending in the EU due to sanction greater than $1Trillion in less than a year and they're not out of the wood yet. They keep doubling down and triple down.... the same way NATO did in Afghanistan for 20 years and ended up burning $2Trillion with no results to show. I know it's money laundering but it tells you clearly the type of politicians you're dealing with - Plutocracy at its best.

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My mother's entire family is from Luxembourg. Sadly, Brussels has been taken over by the globalists

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My books have exposed much more. YOu can receive a free newsletter with books attached for free here:


>>>>>>>Now regarding terrorism. We have some very real and dangerous terrorist organizations in Al Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, and others. And ISIS. But let us rethink and reconsider the situation.

ISIS is clearly the most dangerous and evil organization. It’s leader al-Baghdadi, is not profiled in the news. We have been told only minimal information about ISIS’ leader, and none of his origination, by the establishment media. They don’t seem to know much about him. But some people have done some research, and it is rumored that one of them was Snowden.

According to viral information some time ago, somebody reported that ISIS’ leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is an Israeli Mossad agent born to Israeli parents by the name of Simon Elliot. Snowden’s lawyer Ben Wizner denies such claims that the information was originated by Snowden, but Snowden has not denied such.

Al Qaida’s leader Ayman Zawahiri said that Al Baghdadi had been a member of Al Qaida, but they broke ties with ISIS in early 2014. Supposedly they have a similar mission, so why the rejection?

Al Baghdadi had been “trained” in Camp Bucca, a US prison camp in Iraq. He was third in the terrorist hierarchy, and the two above him were killed by US military, yet somehow, Al Baghdadi was freed.

Now observe who ISIS attacks. Not Israel, not the US, but more than anyone else, they target Shiite nations. Notice that when they attack the US and its allies’ forces, they do so from within Arab citizen habitats; and in retaliation, U.S., Saudi, and Israeli (as well as others) bomb the civilian areas to rubble and dust. Syria is nothing but concrete destruction. Yemen is almost gone. Iraq is a graveyard.

The US forces somehow can’t defeat ISIS, but Russia and Hezbollah have success. As much as we are told that Hezbollah are evil, the truth is that they are freedom fighters that remind me of the black panthers. Defending Iran and their allies militarily, they also provide medical and social services, to their credit.

ISIS is a dangerous terrorist organization, and are obviously a covert US and Israeli operative. “Oh heaven forbid, how could you have the nerve to accuse the US of terrorism? They are the good guys.” “Oh yes, and they would be the first to tell you so.”

What is the motivation? One deeper level I mentioned already was oil, and I have spoken in my previous book of it being a show and example of military might, a warning. Now let us go to the ultimate reasons, the core root of what is happening here; the devious and unthinkable concept that is so hard to comprehend and accept.

I have displayed clearly that the Vatican is evil, and that the United States is an extension of Rome. First, remember what the Jesuits teach, and the meaning of INRI on their flag. Now, recall the crusades, the planned number of people to be inhabiting the planet circa 2025. You saw the letter written by Albert Pike, and the very real existence of fema camps.

It has been common knowledge passed around the internet for the past half dozen years (according to my awareness-but it may have been out there years before) that when martial law is passed, and the expected herding of the people to be slaughtered, that those targeted first would be rebels, then blacks, then Latinos, and so on. The letter I disclosed was not common knowledge

. If you put the puzzle pieces together, you might come up with the conclusion that I have. The first peoples to be eliminated are the most rebellious, those who have least conformed to the Vatican’s agenda; in the past, and today.

The evidence points to a more devious, deeper level of purpose for the destruction of the twin towers, the blaming of Arabs, their vilification by church and state, and the slaughter of whole Arab nations. The Arabs in general, do not have western values, are not motivated to abandon principles for money, refuse to be sheeple, are intelligent, and have some power in oil. When they are eliminated, the strongest resistance to the beast is eliminated. The powers’ plan is to neutralize the most powerful opposition first, to neutralize us before we know what is happening.

Was it a mistake that I was falsely imprisoned, then further incarcerated as I was exposing what was occurring? I was aware that ISIS was a US and Israeli operative since 2015, maybe earlier. Time is fleeting, we need to unite in resistance, and quickly. Knowledge is power, but it must be channeled into proper action, or it is useless. I suggest that you start packin’ and I am not talking about luggage. The time that weapons will be available is not much longer. The purpose of the Las Vegas disaster, and at least some of the school shootings, and sundry other ‘”terrorist attacks” was to convince Americans that the possession of guns by citizens is harmful to the public’s safety. I have uncovered evidence, as has Alex Jones,


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From my book first published in 2016

>>>>Does the idea that our own government did this to us, rather than evil Muslim terrorists, bring me any comfort? Not really. Because I am aware that they are one and the same. We have been supplying Arab Muslims with weapons and money for forty years, since Afghan Muslims were our allies against USSR. ISIS is an US operative.

At this writing, January 2016, ISIS is battling against the entire world, and growing in strength. This could be part of the plan of the illuminati, to gather forces together from all nations to defend themselves from the terrorist threat. We may have a one-world military, then a one-world government. Just a musing. Time will tell how accurate my thoughts are.

But why would our leaders kill three thousand of our own people, destroy property, and devastate our economy? That question is one that assumes that our leaders are our benefactors, that they have our best interest in mind, and that they have good intention. You are perhaps protecting an image of a leader that is incongruent with the qualities of their behavior, and of how their actions reflect an abundance of deceit.

Yes, their appearances and rhetoric gives the impression that they are “ministers of light.” But their lies, their love of money lending towards corruption; their true intentions and motivations, portray a different image. The average person cannot conceive that people of evil character could rise to power here. Maybe Germany of eighty years ago felt similarly. But to me, it makes perfect sense.

Nine eleven was put into action to enable the government to justify the ever increasing presence of the military and police to search us, to monitor us, and have us under constant surveillance. Police are now being equipped with riot gear, military weapons, and being trained to use them. Counties are being “gifted” with tanks. But here are the most important reasons:

The 9-11 experience was designed to put fear into the hearts of American citizens, so that we feel the need to be protected. There were three main federal government initiatives that they planned to execute, and 9-11 served as an excuse to implement them.

First was the Patriot Act. That gives our government the right to imprison, torture, exile, or execute anyone who is seen as a threat to American security. Or for any whim or reason. The reality is, for any reason, all a government official has to do is to say “I think that he is a terrorist” and he can be taken away, no evidence needed, no court appearance necessary, and no proof required. Detainment can be indefinite, and execution is an option.

Second was Homeland Security. We were “gifted’ with a new agency to protect us from all these enemies of “freedom” that are being equipped and funded by our government. Homeland Security is five times the size and cost of the pentagon. As the former intelligence employee by the name of Edward Snowden revealed, they monitor every telephone call, and every internet activity made by every person on the planet. Snowden is now a fugitive in Russia, wanted by our government for treason.

It is funny how forty years ago, a president was involved in wiretapping a few opposing politicians. Impeachment resulted. Now, our government wiretaps the entire planet, and who gets into trouble for it? The whistle blower!! What has happened?? Do you see how much has changed in such a short time period? What will happen five years from now? Ten years? Twenty?

Finally was the war on Iraq. Just want the world to know that the United States attacks whoever they dam want to, and our military conquers. We remember who our enemies are, and retaliate one way or another, in vengeance giving far worse than received. We don’t need an excuse to kill, and when questioned, we fabricate anything that makes a little sense. Iraq was devastated. When the United States wants a message to get across, they do so, one way or another.


The Arabs call the US the big Satan, and Israel the little Satan. I agree. Any ally of ours is not righteous, a conclusion of association.  Have you ever seen photographs of Israel? Orchards, beautiful clean cities, comfortable safe suburbs, it is a beautiful land. But those bad Arabs, always attacking with missiles and terrorism. Please send tiny, helpless little Israel being persecuted, more money and help them defend themselves.

They need help? Israel’s military is a high technology machine. Their anti-missile system (the iron dome), is flawless, they have the most advanced military in the world. We know that the Arabs are evil because Israel says so. The Arab nations are devastated. They live in rubble, ghettos with destroyed concrete everywhere.


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The military did not plan 9-11.

According to a French book “Bin Laden, La Verite Interdite” (Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth), the United States had decided to invade Afghanistan in the interest of profits, long before September 2001. In February 1998, congress discussed ways to deal with Afghanistan to enable a US –held oil pipeline.

Jane’s Defense Newsletter dated March 2001 revealed that an invasion of Afghanistan was being planned. July 2001 the planned invasion was reported by George Arney of the BBC. “Times of India” stated in June 2001 that the US government told India that there would be an invasion of Afghanistan in October of that year.

But the US media insisted that the 9-11 terrorist attack instigated US invasion of Afghanistan and the Taliban regime. The twin towers had no flag bearing responsibility. The right legitimate thing to do would have been to prove who the culprits were, and to bring them to justice. The US blamed Afghanistan, and attacked innocent people, showed no evidence of anybody’s guilt, and endeavored to install a puppet government. Then they did likewise with Iraq.

After much futile and senseless destruction, the death toll of Arabs fanned the flame of Islamic radicalism and anti-imperialism. Bush’s “war on terrorism” and the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan in particular were strategically successful in giving new life to Islamic radicalism and made violent resistance popular among Arabs, playing into the elite’s plan of genocide of Arab peoples. The US, after all, has to defend itself.

Whether it was an afterthought that developed over the years, or had been planned previously, I am not sure, but the United States had further devious designs to use Afghanistan for more of its evil purposes. The leaders of Afghanistan; the Taliban, had banned its people from producing opium, and under their rule, Afghanistan produced 3% of the world’s opium. Upon the United States taking power in 2010, it soon leaped to producing 90% of the world’s opium. Perceiving the poverty of the Afghan farmers, being such magnanimous benefactors, the US government loaned those farmers the necessary capital and means to grow poppies.


I put in this book much more information to prove that every politician in DC was complicit to 9-11

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"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy....."



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