Jack, very thoughtful comment.

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I have to say this part of the problem, but only a part. The Amercian mind has been brainwashed for over a hundred years by public education as it was envisioned by the wealthy industrialist at the beginning. They wanted Complient and obedient worker bees to know just enough to run the machines and they miseducated critical thought out of the curriculum by design. As technology advanced, we were controlled by trivia and pathetic piffle as can be seen in the TV programing that passes for entertainment today such as the bachelor etc. What passes for history is so pathetic as to be laughable. Everyone is so enthralled with their phone that as soon as a new model comes out, they spend thousands for a new one that now spies on them, and we are encouraged to scan QR codes that help spy on people and the do not seem to care. Not to mention the radiation we are exposed to that is dangerous to our health. The voices crying out in the wilderness are ignored because phone use is an addiction in this society. We are so dumbed down as to be sheep being herded toward transhumanism and ultimately slavery to the master class. constantly surveilled and controlled bombarded by 5-G radiation that is part of the transhuman device to be used for control. Once the brain implant is in place this radiation will affect the device for the behavior they want. Think this is fantasy? Listen to Noel Harari with the WEF as he talks about this verry thing. It so frightening to think the people of this country could be scarred into the false belief that technology will be the savior when it will be the cage you will be trapped in. Democracy is a good idea and I think we should try it here.

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Democracy is not a good idea - it is a very bad idea.

Rule by the moral, responsible majority - ok.

Rule by the immoral, irresponsible majority - no way.

Democracy is a fail-safe people manipulation and control mechanism.

The rich rule regardless.

Always have.

Always will.

Until we come up with a way to stop them.

Democracy is not the way.

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So eminently true and so devastating to us as humans. Our curiosity, tool using capabilities, intelligence and preeminent sympathetic natures have been highjacked.

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I gave up the 'smart' phone years ago, and the 'dumb' phone 7 years ago when my son was born, so he could experience someone in his formative years not using or even looking at one while successfully engaging with life. I've never picked one up since then, and I'll never pick one up again. Life is immense, wonderful and rich without one. Thank you for your voice in the sea of ever increasing control and manipulation. I've watched the same thing happening over decades, and know how we humans have changed to the tune of unseen instruments. Please, humanity, wake up!

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I too have given up using cell phones. The challenge for me is that everyone else in my life, including my husband, is completely hooked on them. I want to through it out of his hands, and throw away the television as well. Its slavery but people love their slavery and will fight you if you try to free them from it.

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No point in fighting this directly, as the conditioning is far too strong, and after all, we're talking about peoples minds here, which they have generally never worked with to see the layers of attachment. The thing I find most powerful is just quietly proving, by the way we live our lives successfully without a phone, that you can indeed live without one. I'm probably seen as an oddity, but many people I know have an admiration for the steadfast strength of my resolve, and a secret longing to follow suit. No turning back - the future's bright without the tech!

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Sorry, did not finish the article; what's its point, actually?

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This is such a great article. I believe that every single one of us should stop using cell phones, both smart and dumb ones. We can do it but I have not met one person (in person) that can tear themselves away from them. I have managed to live without using them among those that do. Was it Huxley that wrote that in the future people will love their slavery? I see this happening now.

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Well said Emanuel.

It is an addiction that is afflicting them all.

I wish I knew what we could do to stop it,


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I just finished typing my comment and now it's gone?

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