Thanks for sharing this Emanuel; as you and I have discussed, the political truth movement is made up of a number of individuals who live in intellectual silos and put out points of view and until we can break out of our silos and meet and advance a program and project for real change, then I think Paul is right, there will be no real opposition. But, there is opposition; there are dissenters who resist; what we don't have is a coherent response to the problem. (The movement is divided and conquered, for reasons Paul explains in other essays) At the Green Liberty site, your work at Fear no Evil and https://www.greenrenaissance-sovereignrightsmovement.org/, and throw in John Spritzler's call for an egalitarian revolution, https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/what-is-an-egalitarian-economy there are seeds for real change. We just have to articulate the vision for change and map out steps to take. https://greenlibertycaucus.org/

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Interview from 1978, somewhat outdated but still relevant. "Sustainable development" is an oxymoron on its face, but the right kind of development, aka BIOMIMICRY, I believe makes sense. Might we stop kicking Nature in the teeth and LEARN FROM HER?

Start contemplating an economic system that truly works with ecosystems, human beings, and eliminates usury. Einstein called "compound interest" The Eighth Wonder of the World.

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I second that. Esp killing off usury would be paramount. Even Romans knew it killed them too.

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Where there's life there's hope, however, many seriously ill patients prefer death. 🤔

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Oh, so none of the people of color, the so-called Global South, are mentioned. This is such a fucking White Man's Motherfucking Burden Game.

Nothing about breaking the chains of the white race, that cancer, and that includes more than Susan Sontag's the White Race is a Cancer song and dance.

Again, pieces of shit that are not in VIetnam or Cambodia or Thailand or wherever, and witnesses the poverty, the shame, the viruses, the pollution, the strangle-hold, and then the movements of peasants (that's such a loaded white man's burden word).

Why replicate's Paul's entire essay, Emanuel? More advertising?

Paul's just not in the real world, and alas, Utopian might be one way to look at his underpinning, but he leaves out THE PEOPLE. The OTHER.

Billions who can't even get clean water, or decent food, or a light bulb or two and fan.

Yeah, I like Deep Green Ecology on one level. I know we need to go the way of Neo Tribalism as we can see in Daniel Quinn's Ishamel series.

But this shit, these essays, these ways of thought are so removed from the real world, the daily toil, the ability of beat down folk to have some future of possibility for their future progeny.

Yeah, there are people out there looking for shekels, for an arm-chair to the world, to be part of some grand commetariat, for sure, but they are not solutionaries, not part of the struggle, but just intellectual mud wrestlers, in the end?

The death of civlization isn't industrializing. It's the fucked up laws, the fucked up power at the top, the agency capture that has always been that since 1776 here, and forever. Yep, there has to be some anarchy, but why the fuck don't we move toward better building, better food, better education, better arts and culture, better communities, better medicine, better transportation?

Ahh, Africa. Ahh, Africa? How much the white burdened perverse white demigods fucked up those nations. And, so, hmm, voluntary extinction for the white race? Hmmm.

In any case, in Oregon, we have no leadership, no ability to stand downt the war gods, the war pigs, so we have fewer snow removal vehicles, we are not seeing a reverse of pardons given by the previous governor now occurring by the new governor. We have the 51st in the nation mental health support and outcomes. We have no domestic violence safety nets. We have schools with teachers leaving like rats on a ship. We have the employment division going after people who got a few shekels during the planned Pandemic. We have we have we have crumling, because THEY have THEY have stolen futures with the 90 percent of projects worthless for humanity, from CHAT GPT to drones to 60 percent of medical research to a million lobbyists and a trillion worthless human hours spent on white papers.

Nah, we need better heaters, coolers, trains, planes, building materials, energy sources. Sure, we can develop large swatch of agro-centered communities, for sure, but we also need industry so the chicken coops have chicken wire and decent drainage.

Goddamn, I tire of the white race, the white men, the know it alls giving their flatulence to the fucking world.

I'm off on my $22 an hour job as a personal assistant for a man living with development disabilities. Yep, that's the real fucking work, even with my fucking 4 goddamn college degrees (actual, good ones, real ones, two kick ass theses for the two graduate degrees).

Fuck these Cudenec's of the world. Go suck on Spinoza Spinach!

[note -- this is in your fucking face partial satire, but not all, not all!!!]

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Dear Paulo, I am certainly clear about my profound limitations. I am not entirely against all industry. But we must face how industrialization has been used against us.

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Paulo, sounds like you live in Oregon; I am happy you follow Emanuel; he and I and others support building a movement. here is an essay I wrote, but go to the home page and take the survey, https://greenlibertycaucus.org/world-peace-is-possible-plutocracy-stops-using-war/

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I mentioned this to Cudenec as well, that if he doesn't see it he isn't looking very hard. I used a mushroom analogy, ie mostly things grow underground and this is a good thing. I suppose Cudenec is looking for 'an engraved invitation' or notification, of the big change. Imo the people doing the work are much less likely to advertise it generally, they are too busy doing the work. Best from Oregon

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