This image sums up the state of the world in recent days.
Of course you have to know how to read it.
The remorseless cat is the global system: the multinational banks like Bank of America, multinational asset management firms like BlackRock and Vanguaard, multinational corporations. and the strategy teams of a handful of billionaire families. They have their fangs in everything, even the nations that some naively think are still independent, believe still offer an alternative.
The motionless mother monkey is the nation state, the unit of governance and cultural identity that we have been inculcated to take as our standard for judging everything. The nation state is still lying there as a collossal corpse and we still desparately cling to it. In fact, almost all the alternative and conspiracy news sources can only describe problems in terms of nation states. It is the unit for the United Nations, for the New York Times, and for both Iran and China as well. But these days the nation state is meant for the little people. If you are a billionaire, it means almost nothing.
The clinging baby monkey is the citizen, of whatever and whichever country, who helplessly embraces the nation state who has been immobilized and completely taken over by the ruthless multinational entity. That takeover has been accomplished not through political parties—those are for show—but through the outsourcing of information and adminstration from government to multinational IT firms.
What is striking today for me watching recent morally bankrupt broadcasts is how the fake conservatives promoted in the media consistantly blame the bureaucrats and the bad apples for what is going wrong and suggest that heroic innovators like Elon Musk are an alternative.
These same groups also try to reduce China to the “yellow peril,” an alien civilization that is plotting to take over the world. The fact that most Chinese are themselves the victims of the same ruthless corporations and banks that use the supercomputers of Amazon and Oracle to calculate how to outsmart, and squeeze to death all workers of the world is hidden on purpose because these conservatives battling the deep state are but puppets of the same forces.
Of course there are Chinese billionaires (and Iranian and Russian billionaires) in on this project. Much as was done with the Chinese and the Jews in the 19th century, the “Jewish peril” and “yellow peril” are back again to confuse the people and lead them to the wrong enemy so that they cannot figure out that the real enemy is not hiding in a cave in Afghanistan, is not eating with chopsticks in Beijing or Pyongyang, but is right there, in plain view, under the flag of Coca Cola, Walt Disney, or Unilever.
Many Greetings from Germany, dear Mr. Pastreich. I agree 100% and couldn't have said it any better. Except for adding Russia's "red peril" to the mix of those other fake perils.
indeed, Emanuel, we are in extreme times. Your point is well taken that we are clinging to danger we can barely see overtaking us. The capture of the world by the hidden elite is completely psychotic, well beyond the ebb and flow the natural world.