"It was a brutal shredding of due process that would alter the entire country forever."

I'd say Gore's election loss to Bush was a particularly brazen event instructing voters that the process is clearly rigged.

Of course, the elections in 2000 was not as bold as exploding a president's head in broad daylight in Dallas. But it certainly was a happening ensuring the US military would be enmeshed in a 20 year Vietnam mess.

That being said, looking back at Bush v. Gore-- did Gore really give a fuck?

And even if he won would things have been much different as "Mr. Sustainability" and his sidekick Zionist Lieberman would've probably found a way to commit similar war crimes.🤔

Of course, the Project for the New America Century bunch (PNAC) and the war profiteers preferred Bush/Cheney, as Blackwater among others were chomping at the bit to abscond with trillions in tax dollars even if it devasted the Middle East and killed and displaced millions. After all, the powerless don't count as they're just collateral damage.😔

So you say, what have we learned from that debacle--absolutely nothing.😳

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Ukraine and the warfare currently conducted in Africa to "save the earth" devastating the natural environment mining rare earth minerals-- dirty details most in the West are not aware of....🤨

Every successive conflict triggered by a "manufactured crisis" as resulted in the West devolving into an overtly fascist state eager to "replicate" China's biosecurity surveillance system.

However, don't be concerned the World's billionaires are doing quite well:

"The United States still boasts the most billionaires, with 735 list members worth a collective $4.5 trillion. China (including Hong Kong and Macau) remains second, with 562 billionaires worth $2 trillion, followed by India, with 169 billionaires worth $675 billion." 🤑


I'd say the mission was almost accomplished, except for the upcoming climate change plunder/grift which will be accompanied by a ton of new mRNA-based pharmacology required to control the rageful proles.🙈

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mission accomplished, we say back at the farm. But I feel we must keep on fighting in any case. Even if we do not succeed, some kid out there may be inspired by what we did to actually do something substantial at a future date.

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Yes, where there's hope there's life.

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I too have been revisiting some past events lately; things that were and still are unfair. I got some support at the time from the community and it meant the world to me, that other people could see the unfairness in what had happened. thanks for your post, and thanks to any humans that show up in support of their comrades.

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Thank you for the kind note Jacquelyn and let me know if I can be of help. We know that there is another story of what happened in the US from September 2000 to 2006, and to a large extent remains in place a new system of secret government. It kicked in in the late Clinton administration, long before the great 9.11 fun. I will tell you something amusing. I later attended various meetings of whistleblowers in DC, including several famous whistleblowers. It was made clear to me on several occasions that in opposition to the revered whistle blowers, my case was one of "it never happened." There would be no celebrations or talk of due process for me. But I did meet others like me at other occasions. The small group who fought against fascism in the fall of 2000 and spring of 2001---well we do not exist.

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