The level of denial and desperate clinging has reached momumental proportions. Its going to be a harsh wake up for many!

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Yes. You cannot serve two Masters. It's a house divided against itself

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A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing? RFK Jr Senate Hearings



All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's


Peace & Love from Oregon



War has to be the very last resort. All War is Evil.

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Hard hitting Emanuel; political truthers who follow Kennedy and Gabbard are being thrown for sure. I think you are reading what President Trump is doing correctly; clearly he is advancing what David Hughes frames as the "technate," a society controlled and operated by technocracy, especially in light of the Tech Bro Billionaires he , or they, have in tow.

My take on Kennedy and Gabbard is that fundamentally they are being played for their ambition to be in government. If they each represented political truth in its fullest depravity, they would be denouncing the state crimes associated with the Covid event, 9/11, and even the 1960's assassinations. But they wouldn't even get to the hearing room, much less be considered for the post, if they called out the big lies. They both essentially went into a hearing with their mouths taped shut.

They had / have an understanding with Trump about the scope of the criticism they are allowed to make, and it doesn't involved the truth about the Covid event as a national security matter deployed against the people.

I guess I feel a little more sympathetic to Kennedy and Gabbard than you do; and am not inclined to think of them as stooges of the plutocracy, or even sellouts, but as naive citizens hopeful about being able to make a difference by working on the inside. At this posting it is unclear that either of them will get the posts, and in case they don't, the real test of their integrity with be revealed in what they have to say when not presented with employment possibilities within the Trump administration. they should be free to speak truth to power.

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I do not "LIKE" this article but did restack it. Very valide points. Meanwhole the financle taken over continues. This is comming from every direction.

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Sorry Sir. Unscubsribed. When you realize we are all controlled by the Beast...you should have grace for those affected. Adios.

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Oh, god. So racist Zionist former heroin addict lover of Jews at the expense of animals he believes are Hamas and Palestinians?

And the crocodile tears mercenary who signed up to kill girls and boys at wedding parties because they bombed the towers?

Almost anything or anyone who gets into politics does it for, well, a conflated sense of power.

So let's hitch our narcissistic wagon to Rapist in Chief Trump's big tent show as he goes full Adolph Netanyahu/Hitler though the Austrian showed more restraint than Trump's Minyan.

You call these fellows 'warriors.' Who are they? Mate? Blumenthal? Halper? Come on? Bernie? All Podcast and washed up paper tigers or maybe just chipmunks for Judaism.

Kennedy going after medical necessity D & C's? Gabbard loving fisa 702? Anything associated with Kushner Stephen Miller Minyan LLC is already buggered big time.

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Not defending anyone but watching. Both sides exposing themselves rapidly now as the empire falls. I fear you may be correct on goals but that train has left the station for now. Raising awareness of what people need to be watching for is a good idea.

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Maybe Kennedy and Gabbard are Trojan horses and once in will have a better chance of cleaning the stable than standing back

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That's not true. You don't compromise your principles to get a foothold in getting the position. People who think lying or compromise is a means serving the end are self deceptive and go wherever the wind is blowing

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We are in a domestic crisis for survival.Watching NPR, the View and drinking the kool aid doesn’t work. If lying works you lie . The CIA,FBI,etc lie to us all the time (ex. the destruction of the WTC1 and WTC2).

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If anyone lies they make themselves tools of the enemy. You don't lie, just because everybody else is lying. That's lack of having a backbone. Only weak people lie. Only those who lack virtue lie. Those who lie also steal. Those who lie, will lie again

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FDR achieved a level of a 33rd degree mason in a short time. He needed to know what they were doing and play the game to know how to defeat them. They believed he was one of them and he was not. Original heroes of creating this nation became members of The Hellfire Club to do the same. The art of war is much more complex. But we will soon see the direction it is taking in even more obvious ways as the empire is out of time and already defeated. So now they will continue their ugly destruction because that is all they know as the walls fall in on them with or without trump.

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You are wrong again. Roosevelt got the Nation into war by a false flag pretense. Just do your research. What you suggest is not true.

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If you have evidence of FDR himself having foreknowledge, do share that. Not crushing Hitler would have allowed a dangerous monster to form more alliances, power and destruction and that was going to come to the U.S. Looks like we didn't fully win that war as you can see the Nazis are here and in many other nations as they were allowed to be dispersed, hide and even placed at the head of NATO, UN eugenicists, NASA, and on and on.

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