I am going to redo it more professionally, but I wanted to get it out first. I have just about had it and taking COVID19 out of the closet, dusting it off, and using it to scare people just pushed me too far. Take them all down. I don't care how progressive sounding, how concerned about family values, if they are collaborating with these crimes, they all must go.

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I would tighten it up to 90 seconds or 2 mins. if possible. Maybe have a professional announcer read the script? But its essence is good. People (at least me . . . ) have short attention spans. Lastly, maybe intersperse your picture two or three times, instead of only at the end, if you can arrange that.

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Would love to give you all a million! Many of you are shaping to new upcoming world!

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Excellent graphics and speech. Appropriate.

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Emanuel is the brightest bulb running. He's got what it takes to change the system and make the planet habitable, assuming we get past the bottleneck of biosphere collapse and nuclear war (see www.helencaldicott.com). He's already taken bold stands on this topic. If anyone can prove me wrong, I'd love to hear you in a reply.

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You have my vote sir! The only one running who speaks common sense and actual truths!

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It finally hit me a couple of months ago.... War is the greatest #MoneyLaundering , monopolizing scheme there is..... transferring our tax $$$$$$$$$$ into profits via "Military Spending " for the already rich investors and mega corporations like BlackRock.....and why it is now never-ending.....

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