
Penelope My four talks on "Money is no mystery " at Global Research and here cover the Federal reserve scam

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This takes zero voter skills, like any untrained person can play the lottery. How do you do the lottery? Vote for numbers with graphite bubbles on the paper, and run it through the machine. Simple. That's all there is to it. Your lottery ticket shows how you voted for the numbers (instead of candidates). Your lottery receipt proves which numbers you voted for. So now the organizers can't steal your million dollars if you are the winner. For an election it's the same deal. Just vote for candidate A or candidate B with a graphite oval filled in for your choice. Same for all other candidate races and other ballot proposals. When you put your ballot in the voting machine, your receipt is your own xerox copy. It has a secret number that only you selected and only you know what it is. So even though every vote is anonymous public information, only you can personally identify your vote (on the results google search) and tie it to your ballot, using your own personal xerox copy. And only if you want to. If you want to expose vote fraud, now your xerox copy proves your vote was changed around or totally hijacked. If everything is OK, you can stay quiet and know your vote was counted correctly. You can also check with friends and find out whether their vote was stolen, and you can form groups of victims of vote theft if you catch it going on. So you don't have to challenge the system all by yourself when you catch vote stealers stealing a lot of votes.

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Using modern technology, there is an easy way to force government to be more responsible, honest, and accountable. When you vote, you go to a computer screen and privately select a number of your choice from the screen. It disappears from the screen and is printed anonymously and untraceably onto your ballot. When you put your vote into the voting machine, you get your xerox copy. Now you can go to any computer and google your precinct to see how all the votes were counted. When you scroll to your number, even a person snooping over your shoulder doesn't know which tabulated vote record you are examining as yours. Now no one can steal your vote without being caught. This makes the system a servant of the people, and the people don't have to be held in ignorance as we are today as to whether our votes were even counted. We get a receipt if we deposit money in the bank. That forces accuracy and the truth to be observed. We get a receipt if we vote for selected numbers in the lottery. Now nobody can steal your million dollars if you win. But the people who want votes to remain untraceable are the people who want to keep stealing votes and stealing elections and eroding all our rights.

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By organizing with others we can recover an honest count of the ballots. We need to count them publicly at each polling place & phone the tally to a newspaper which will publish the tally at each polling place so that we may assure ourselves that the total is correct.

It is not fiat money which is the problem, but money under the control of private interests. The Federal Reserve isn't Federal; it's private & hasn't even been audited-- ever. Our government pays INTEREST to the Federal Reserve to issue OUR currency: robbery!

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Engagement? Can voters and candidates really engage the government when the ballot has been rendered pointless to discipline incumbents. Ballot access censorship makes voters helpless. It deprives them of alternative candidates to challenge the ruling oligarchy. Fiat ballots and fiat money make for the failure of authoritarian statism, aka, fascism. Can authentic elections recover authentic money?

The Chinese had no republican relics to recover. Americans do.

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Lack of civic engagement by the educated was on show during Covid. Dr. Scott Atlas describes in his book how Drs Birx and Fauci seemed to run the show without using the available science. Nobody dared to stop them.

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Thank. This is really good and points to many ways we may overcome this tyranny. It is always weaknesses within which feed tyranny. And always our history which points to the ways back to freedom and liberty.

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