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Mountain top? For doing God's work? What kind of idiocy was King? God is clearly Satan, and King is a product of a rich family who were able to pay for him to get a PHD in divinity, and to live a privileged life. He was funded by whites, who also counseled him, and he delayed a protest in DC to accommodate their advice. He preached the white man's deceptive religion, and preached pacifism, which as he noted was because blacks would lose a violent war, not due to any religious principles. Malcolm gets my deep respect, not King. Under Christianity, much harm has been tolerated, as Christians conquered, committed genocide, drugged, enslaved, and taught their faith to freed slaves, to enslave them moreso. And King furthered that contemptible religion. I strive for a higher ideal, but not for any "higher authority"= King was a bullshitter. I am the real deal. I dont' want to die, but I would rather die than be a traitor or deceiver. Be more discerning over whom you idolize. I do not speak from ignorance.

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