I brought this AI conversation up with a friend who is obviously reading MSM propaganda. I said, it is not “intelligence” and he rebutted that it depends on what “intelligence” means. I said, to me intelligence indicates that it is capable of running without humans; that it has some kind of consciousness. AI is not conscious and never will be. It will never be able to run indefinitely without humans. At best, I told him that it is Automated Intelligence and merely a tool. We got into the “creative” aspect and I said, it’s creative, but only to the extent that it is a calculator that pulls from existing human pool of creativity. I could tell how the propaganda had sway over him as he pulls info from these pseudo-intellectual MSM academic knowledge gatekeepers.

I then went on a small tangent on how the technocratic transhumanist system was using AI as a control mechanism and even trying to give these AI androids the same rights as humans (I believe it was Saudi Arabia that declared a robot a “citizen” years back). This is all mainly as a way to remove human rights and use robots as a control mechanism/stepping stone. IoT, IoB, AI, CBDC, ESG, SDG, DEI... all part of that system.

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Exactly, because machines need humans to exist. The only thing that lasts forever is Mother Nature, which is controlled by God. If anyone wants to duke it out, then see the Man! Good Luck - thats a battle you'll Never Win!

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AI = Augmented Ignorance

AIDS = Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome

No one rules if no one obeys.

“The power system continues only as long as individuals try to get something for nothing. The day when a majority of individuals declares it wants nothing from the government, that it will look after its own welfare and interests, then on that day the power elites are doomed." Anthony Sutton

Stay safe and free.

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It blows me away how people allow others to control them. No balls to stand up for whats morally and individually ours and cannot be taken away? We were all given the Gift of Free Will, Free Thinking. You can take my physical body, but you'll never, ever take my soul.

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Technocracy, Transhumanism is all founded on atheism, linear evolution, and Big Bang theory. These are purposefully employed early on to program people into thinking there was nothing before (no eternity), there is nothing after (no souls, no afterlife) and that our consciousness (and lack of souls) are simply electrical byproducts of the “human evolutionary meat suit” (Dawkins silly ideas). These are tactically used to create a sufficient fear factor by which most people are easily controlled. This is also why so many people engage in greed to an absolute ridiculous degree (hey, you only live once, right bro?). But a simple application of logic, that energy cannot be created or destroyed, will sufficiently show anyone, regardless of religious beliefs, that it is scientifically impossible for the universe to be an accident that just appeared from nowhere and plenty of evidence to show that consciousness exists from an outside “source”. The body is merely the sacred vehicle. (Emphasis on sacred).

I bring this up, because it is foundational toward totalitarian control for the latter “philosophies” to be the BIOS (early education) which allows for the programming (“OS and apps”).

I use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator (and CAD programs). These all do things I can’t do with my hands and have AUTOMATED operations (e.g. - content aware fill). Does that make them AI? No.

AI as it is being advertised is just another tool to dehumanize and control. To move power away from the individual toward the State. Period.

My friend (same as previously mentioned) was listening to a podcast and said that they thought AI in governance is ideal, supposedly because it is “neutral” and human error causes so many problems. I said, no, no, no...

The problem isn’t simply “humans”. The problem is the few bad humans using centralization. He actually agreed. I said Decentralization offers diversity of solutions, the ability for different regions and solutions to operate as necessary. It also prevents tyranny from a single source to control everyone and everything and strengthens society. Basically, we need to go back to the roost of the Constitution. He actually agreed and some of my other brainwashed friends seem to respond well to the Decentralization argument. It’s non-religious (important since many of them are atheists and reject “God” as they have been programmed), it’s scientific and it focuses on the root problems.

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Fudge since you're one of the few people I've seen even approach the subject of religion and our U.S. Constitution I'd like to show you some of my research in my Substack I've done in these first 25 or so years of the internet and ask you to help me improve any of it if you can. I've learned since 2007 that it can be almost impossible to tell who among these truth advocates are just covert psyop scammers who mostly can be identified by how they rail against the government and media, but always leave key things out, as if they don't have any sense. After much research I've come to think it's highly likely that this concept of "compartmentalized" psyop scams has been used much more, and for much longer, than most of us realize.

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I’ll def give your Stack a read. yes, there are plenty of psyops out there and they ramped them up over the last 10 years. Indeed SRI, Tavistock... many others have spent decades studying how the mind works and weaponized information control to steer us into their desired directions.

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Definitely. Cross-posting this.

AI propaganda is aiming at people to accept technocratism.

AI is ridiculously stupid in public, which is meant to give people a false sense of superiority, while the real AI is doing its dirty work.

Please, allow me to contribute to your work with my title:


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Not long ago I had subscribed without better checking out a Substack group that said in its description that it would put out tips about technology and such. When I got in it was all Google, AI, LGBT stuff, etc. Needless to say I left that group. I'm not against LGBT but common sense tells me that if you want respect you have to give respect too. Anyway here is this group I recommend avoiding: Wonder Tools by Jeremy Caplan "Your Guide to the Most Useful Sites and Apps" https://wondertools.substack.com

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Emanuel, look on my page for Ralph Ellis’s interactions with ChatGPT

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