
Covid 19 is a massive fraud. I could tell as soon as I started reading carefully in January, 2020. Climate change is exaggerated and manipulated but the overwhelming scientific evidence is clear. Although may be 100 years, not ten years, although it is about collapse biodiversity death of oceans ad well, and not just carbon, the evidence is overwhelming

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Those who dismiss the issue of climate alarmism have real, rather than fake science to back their assessment. Climate alarmism is (also) no more than a fraudulent scheme to deceit and exploit the scientifically uneducated mass.

Prof. Dr. Richard Lindzen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYWrehjaMFQ

Prof. Dr. Helmut Harde´s Climate-Science-revelations on http://hharde.de/climate.htm

Prof. Dr. Horst-J. Luedecke: https://www.horstjoachimluedecke.de/egu-poster

Dr. Rex Fleming „False Alarm: The Rise and Fall of the Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climate Change (2020)

.... and many hundreds of other unbiased scientists

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Interesting analysis will be linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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I stopped reading when the author / duface talked as if "Climate Change" AKA Globull Warming is real. It is not. It is a complete fraud. See ya! Won't be back.

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