It's a hard truth.....say it louder

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Prison Radio with Noelle Hanrahan, Mumia Abu Jamal and Leonard Peltier (these latter two famous political prisoners), do describe the horrendous conditions in USA prisons and here in NYC, Riker's Island is also deadly dangerous for its inmates and is notorious. Pacifica Radio has programs where this information about brutal incarceration here as made known to their audiences. One has to go looking and make an effort to find this information.

To help those on DEATH ROW: DeathPenaltyAction.org

PORTRAIT OF DORIAN GRAY is a very apt metaphor for what Great Britain (that satanic painting) and the USA truly are, evil Empires of Greed and GLOBALIST GENOCIDE WITH ENSLAVEMENT FOR THE SURVIVORS.

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All Empires are fascist to the bone. British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years.

Most of the population in the US is "kept" politically comatose by mainstream media news. As propaganda via MSM fails to lobotomize biosecurity surveillance will take its place. Enter multipolar totalitarianism.


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this country has gone to these barbarian measures? thank you for reporting this. I know torture is quite common, read numerous reports of it, but dogs ! that is a double torture, because the dogs too have been tortured into biting people. Thinking of the Biden dog...

To me, America has become like the homeless living in the streets of SF. Once the pearl of the west coast, now the shthole... down the ditch, into the dirt. So sad.

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"Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill made low." - book of Isaiah, turned into music by Handel (Messiah).

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One more thing about this painting, from an Artist's point of view: It might be a poor reproduction we're seeing. The reds, flames or whatever they are almost pink, not 🔥 at all. A cold hell. For a cruel cold hearted man. My opinion of him anyway.

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As an artist myself, the 'cool' color of the background does not remind me of hell. Maybe that's intentional- I, by the way think of him as "in between"... this color is that for me.

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Who is the artist that created this painting?

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Good question - but the main point is, did Charles go along with being represented this way, or did he just graciously approve the final product without knowing what it would be like when completed? In any case, it does look like he is burning in hell. That is my interpretation. His conscience getting the better of him, maybe, and therefore not disapproving the portrait? SMH.

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Appreciate your perspective. He seems very comfortable and immune to the flames....the same cold blooded being as ever.

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