Just as all our truth telling buddies were going crazy over Trump’s noble efforts to defeat the deep state and COVID crimes by leaving the WHO, and rehiring some government officials who refused vaccines, he launches Stargate, a massive global AI infrastructure program meant to allow multinational corporations and banks to run the entire world in secret using embargoed parks of supercomputers that are being funded by Japan, the UAE, the US, and other invisible players. If you thought bureaucrats were unaccountable, wait to you try to meet with the computer banks telling you, via AI, what is true.
When I saw Larry Ellison, Netanyahu’s right-hand man with Gaza blood up to his elbows, the very man who, along with Peter Thiel, has led the battle to take over the entire military and intelligence system through the control of data clouds and command control systems, up there at the White House with Elon Musk’s buddy at OpenAI Sam Altman, and Softbank’s CEO Son Masayoshi, I could feel that the destroyer has been selected and the destroyer is AI this time.
But Larry Ellison, the man who merged US and Israeli intelligence into a single monster and is trying to take over the world, went even further. Egged on by Trump, he told us that we will all be subject to a blood test in the future to determine if we have cancer and that if the AI test of your blood finds any cancer cells (which we have no way of knowing whether it is true or not) that we will be given customized (by AI) cancer vaccines. Ellison did not say it would be manitory, but it sounded like it will be.
Ellison also stated that Oracle has already begun construction for 10 data centers in Texas (each half-million square feet) for Stargate and the total will be 20 and they will control massive amounts of data, starting will all medical records for everyone in the world.
It is the Covid 19 reign of terror dressed up in new garb.
And Trump was just smiling and smiling, asking Ellison to tell us the exciting details.
How anyone thought that a con artist and trickster in the hands of Israeli IT intel operatives like Ellison and Thiel would save us from vaccines and the medical industrial intelligence complex, I do not know. How anyone thought that Trump, whose Mar a Lago was Mossad’s southern base in the US, would be looking out for national interests, is a mystery.
But I would be dishonest if I did not admit what I feel.
I feel that those true tellers who overlooked what a cardboard, clown, messiah Trump was, is, and will be, and who told us that his first acts were a great liberation for America such as this bogus cease fire that still has not happened (and looks like a transition from straight murder and rape to deportation and real estate development) and the made-for-TV withdrawl from the WHO (which may, or may not ever happen), they were in on the game. That they were getting paid back on the side.
I have watched this show for many years and there was never any doubt in my mind as to what was going on behind the “Don and Elon” show. I refuse to believe that all our professional truth tellers did not know what the “golden age” of our savior Trump was really about. My dear friends, we have been royally trumped.
BREAKING: Trump—Flanked By Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, & Masayoshi Son—Announces Project Stargate
As expected Trump is throwing a pile of red meat to his base in the form of the 1/6 pardons and Executive Orders pertaining to illegal immigration, however, while that's attracting all the mainstream media news headlines it's only a "side show."
The real "circus barker" is an Orange Trojan Horse who has always been aligned with big tech and US intelligence. In fact, during his first stint in the
Oval Office: "Trump floated the idea of creating a new federal agency called HARPA that would cooperate with the Department of Justice to use “breakthrough technologies with high specificity and sensitivity for early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence.” It specifically includes “advanced analytical tools based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.” The data analyzed under this program would be gathered from consumer electronic devices and information turned over by health-care providers on people they deem to be a threat. In sum, many of the activities that everyday people participate in could be subject to surveillance and eventually, these people could be turned over to government authorities.
Pretty scary stuff. It gets even worse when looking at the bigger picture. The FBI and other federal agencies will play a major role in these surveillance programs, and that should worry all Americans given the track record of these organizations. An internal memo stated that so-called “conspiracy theories” were connected to domestic terror threats..." Hmm 🤔
Some of these high tech surveillance technologies were probably deployed to track down the "just" pardoned 1/6 protesters. 😁
That being said, any altruistic sounding tech program regarding health including Biden's " Cancer Moonshot" is probably a DARPA scheme nefariously manipulating human DNA.
In any event, this should be a warning to the trusting and naive looking for a political savior in the form of old scoundrels tethered to billionaire techno/fascists, trillion dollar asset management firms, and intelligence agencies operating worldwide.
Are they deliberately creating cancers in Targeted individuals and come up with the solution with these vaccines? Creating cancers in the vaccinated and now a vaccine for it? That's my question