As expected Trump is throwing a pile of red meat to his base in the form of the 1/6 pardons and Executive Orders pertaining to illegal immigration, however, while that's attracting all the mainstream media news headlines it's only a "side show."

The real "circus barker" is an Orange Trojan Horse who has always been aligned with big tech and US intelligence. In fact, during his first stint in the

Oval Office: "Trump floated the idea of creating a new federal agency called HARPA that would cooperate with the Department of Justice to use “breakthrough technologies with high specificity and sensitivity for early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence.” It specifically includes “advanced analytical tools based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.” The data analyzed under this program would be gathered from consumer electronic devices and information turned over by health-care providers on people they deem to be a threat. In sum, many of the activities that everyday people participate in could be subject to surveillance and eventually, these people could be turned over to government authorities.

Pretty scary stuff. It gets even worse when looking at the bigger picture. The FBI and other federal agencies will play a major role in these surveillance programs, and that should worry all Americans given the track record of these organizations. An internal memo stated that so-called “conspiracy theories” were connected to domestic terror threats..." Hmm 🤔

Some of these high tech surveillance technologies were probably deployed to track down the "just" pardoned 1/6 protesters. 😁

That being said, any altruistic sounding tech program regarding health including Biden's " Cancer Moonshot" is probably a DARPA scheme nefariously manipulating human DNA.

In any event, this should be a warning to the trusting and naive looking for a political savior in the form of old scoundrels tethered to billionaire techno/fascists, trillion dollar asset management firms, and intelligence agencies operating worldwide.

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Are they deliberately creating cancers in Targeted individuals and come up with the solution with these vaccines? Creating cancers in the vaccinated and now a vaccine for it? That's my question

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The massive introduction of AI in the US and around the world, combined with monitoring and communications run by StarLink and StarShield are intended to make everyone a targeted individual, part of a targeted population. Slowly, using complex programs, everyone will be walked into cages for the slaughter

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Give me Liberty 🗽 or give me Death.

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...which is why Trump met with Bill Gates for a mutual ass-kissing in preparation for another vaccine rollout and fake plandemic; another OWS on the way!

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Maybe, or maybe not. Skepticism yes, pessimism and despair, no.

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This is totally correct, the only thing I would add is a thought of the immense amount of energy required to power these data centers. But of course planetary warming is a lie according to the Trump lexicon so no worries there since he pulled out of the climate summit (admittedly a mostly worthless parade of climate virtue signalling).

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There is not human global warming, I hope you are inferring .

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The scientific evidence for human industrial driven global climate warming and destabilization is overwhelming.

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More Americans Died Due to COVID 19 Injections than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined



All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's


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I am not a fan of any Billionaire. Trump is not and can never be a hero of mine.

All War is Evil. No More War. Israel is not our friend and never was.

Fast tracking Covid-19 bio-weapon was Evil.


I will never vote for the lesser Evil.

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Donald Trump is not qualified to be president


All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.


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Trump and his wife sucked all the liquidity from the market over the week end. Not the big coins, but all the little coins like I own. Interesting; it took 15 billion out of them at least. Rather sobering from get go. My stuff will recover of course (privacy coins), but he managed to take his cut from Shit Memes right off the top, his stuff is 100% Shit. No value and if it seems to have value you should sell. There are thousands of folks who have been volunteering their time and talent for years to make privacy coins and over night this buffoon Trump comes in and over the weekend we get this; Shit coin Memes of Trump and his Wife.

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Trump calls for exit of WHO and launches global vaccine regime administered by AI




All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's


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Well that didn't take long.

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I too was most alarmed by that press conference. Yet I see that several of his initiatives are positive, most notably getting out of WHO. I'm in a watch and see mode. In a contest between a production factory and a bulldozer, I'd bet on the latter.

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and who did Trump just have an 'energized' 3-hour convo with?


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This is ridiculous Emanuel, we ALWAYS have cancer cells in our body. It depends in what state we are in mentally and health wise in order to be able to neutralise these cells? If this is going to be connected to AI, in what kind of an idiotic world will we sink down further. Not good!

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Great work. Very clear and concise article

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The character of a man. For fuck's sake. Trump the rapist and bankruptcy and grifter and narcissist to the max. Fraud. Tax evasion. Lies. Proud ignorance. So then, that was 55 plus years ago. And these Jews like Altman and Ellison? Zionists who have armies of rabbis and Talmudists paying into the evil AI .

A fucking perverse show when Trump declared openly his racism and sexism with the so called Central Park Five.

So this putrid puppy is going to change his ass licking spots?

Judaism is the disease. These young bucks and heffers all greased up with that Zyklon Blinken sort of supremacist thinking turn into the Kushners and Zuckerbergs often world while Adolph Netanyahu runs the AI show. Amazing that racist fucking Jew giving the benediction.

We are useless eaters. Watch the documentary of the Scots fighting Trump LLC on their plot of land adjacent to Trump's golf course.

The evil is in the DNA. And so the reformed Mrs. Kushner is Kosher and dementia Donald is along for the fucking ride .

They should be shot like rabid dogs but these fuckers have the best sicarios from MI6 and Team SEAL and all units of Mossad madmen.

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