Caitlin? She bans (sic) people from her Substack if they date call Israel (sic) The Jewish Supremacy State of Murding Raping Starvating Polluting Poisoning Maiming.

You say indoctrination? This country is based on genocide, and that is baked into the DNA, collective. Democrats and Republicans, they have variations on the theme of "home of the brave . . . America a force for good in the world."

That America is about depopulating the natives, about land theft and decimation. A good Indian is a dead Indian. The entire country's history before Jews like Oppenheimer or Roy Coen or Zuckerberg or Ellison or Fink or the Wailing Wall White House bat and bar mitzvah clan and their progenitors, Jews of Neoconservative breeding, came onto the scene in a heavy way, well, pacifing the indegiouns population, taking out the ecosystem of grasslands and buffalo, and drilling for oil and blasting for gold.

A force for good? What does that mean? Cailin is living the life in another penal colony, Australia, and she is so afraid of calling a spade or a Jew a Jew, that her shadow is crumbling in her mind.

Tell me a time when USA was a place of great people and good for the world? This country comes from the dirty offspring of AngloSaxonGermanicIberianFranco trash, mostly.

And so we are here, with the Jewish Media and the Wailing Wall White House, and another Jew, Kamala Emoff-Harris, about to take the helm.

Dirty dirty business this Jewish supremacy!

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CBS News lets Blinken get away with murder

Blinken just lied to Congress. People are dying because of it.

Aaron Maté and Katie Halper

Sep 26



Two government bodies concluded that Israel deliberately blocked humanitarian aid to Gaza. From reporting by ProPublica: “The U.S. Agency for International Development and others determined that Israel had broken the law.” But when Secretary of State Antony Blinken testified before Congress, he told an alternative truth.

“We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting” aid, he said under oath, despite endless evidence and reports to the contrary.

So when Blinken was confronted about this lie on CBS News, do you think they held him to the facts?

“The US government says,” began one of the hosts, asking the question exactly as she was instructed to, “that it has to restrict supplying weapons to a country that deliberately stops humanitarian aid from getting to civilians. Why have we not done so?”

Anything missing from that question? They include ProPublica’s report, but the question ignores the fact that Blinken is the one who lied to Congress about this. By letting him off the hook, the reporting ensures that Blinken’s lie goes unchecked, and further, ensures that Israel remains free to continue committing war crimes in the future.


Vanessa is good, but this is dissonance -- former MI6 dude?

Netanyahu's dangerous plan for the US and the Middle East (West Asia) -- Former MI6 and Diplomat, Alastair Crooke is one of my go-to people

vanessa beeley



Look, when one's fucking telephone, yes, cell phone, which is necessary for even homeless people to get paid and SNAP, when they are booby trapped and turned into bombs, and when all devices might end up as such, where have we come?

Can I set up a few hundred Molotovs and set forth on ending the sicarios of the sanctions and economic hitmen like Fink or BlackStone or Oracle?

Christ -- this is more than indoctrination. This is successful brainwashing of the very high Edwards Bernays kind.

You ain't going to find good in the American Apple Pie.

Even Jill Stein has to grovel and say "Putin bad, ZioAzovNaziLensky good."



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Amazing, the depraved and cancerous ZioJudaicNazi project. And Caitlin and Aaron and Katie and Max Blumenthal et al are shocked daily by their racist cousins booby trapping the world with cell phones or clot shots.

Gangrene, not cancer. Requiring amputation and decapitation.

Daily, oh, those murderers with a little help from their Final Solution amigos.... Blinken Yellen Nuland Kagan Emoff.


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Her antiwar writings provide a pedagogical morality guide for liberals who during the scamdemic were cult believers of the ludicrous official security state narrative, go figure. 😁

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Indeed, hard to believe that so many Americans don't realize (or perhaps are propagandized into not realizing) the absurdity of the fact that those Dems & Reps who speak of working towards peace talks or a new pease proposal or a cease fire with each and every aggression are the same pols who insist on the need to keep sending the very armaments that make it possible to massively kill citizens in areas of conflict. Shameless!

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