The USA is not capable of a honest election and is a third world country; we need impartial international supervision of our elections.




Emanual Pastreich for President 2024


All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

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A fourth world country. Not only decrepit but also dangerous

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The USA in its current condition is Very Mentally Mad and Physically Dangerous.

Not many are interested in remedies and those that work dilegently at fixing the problems ignore the blatant elephants in the room.

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Praying with all my heart that this Special Election idea grows legs and actually happens.

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I don't think the unfair electoral process can be fixed while such a great brick wall of ignorance exists in the community. The bricks that make up this solid wall are of two main types: 1) The bricks that don't care to think about or at least make an attempt to understand government at all. 2) The bricks that actually truly believe that we have a fair electoral system. How can we address this ignorance?

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In my objection, historically, the United States was great when it was limited to it's own borders. The more international trade (interference) the worse and weaker America became. Russia being sanctioned out of the international economy has inadvertently become the better, actually. Therefore, wouldn't it be a good thing, for each country's own people demand that they be sovereign and not meddle in other people's business either? Resources are the reason for globalist to create the illusion that scarcity is real and they require more and more when they have mismanaged their own country's resources to the point of wasting themselves into oblivion. In order to perpetuate the illusion of value of the regime, they must keep supplying the resources to the people. Even if that means pillaging resources from another part of the world. It's pretty simple logic. The British Empire wrote the book on globalism. And the rest of the Imperialist regimes' apparently either went along or went to war. That's the shortest explanation I'm willing to make. Based on my 20 years of thorough research and analysis. After a crippling divorce and being used by the capitalist system that almost ruined me. There's no excuse for using others for the benefit of yourself and breaking the promises and vows of any type of marriage agreement, metaphorically speaking, no matter how tough things get, is the weakest excuse for a human being to discard another if you believe there's nothing else that they have to take from them to feed their own existence. Survival of the fittest should naturally be confined to the animal kingdom. We as humanity are not merely animals. But there are plenty of monsters out there.

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You write., "To suggest that the other candidates must pull out because they are guilty of crimes, crimes that can be easily proven..." This argument probably can be easily proven. Why not develop and publicize the proof to advance the case for the necessary delay so that the co-opted electoral procedures can be fixed in order to reflect the spirit and content of the US Constitution ?

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This article gives some sense of the complete farce unfolding in this election. Rest assured the Democrats are doing the same thing

At the start, my suggestion seems unrealistic, then it will seem reasonable. It most certainly is a better alternative thab civil war which the billionaires have already planned out. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/09/21/urjz-s21.html

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Sorry but its a little over the top unrealstic, just my guess of course, don't intend for it to be a curse.

Why not stick with the appropriation of Facebook idea? See it through or at least further along. That was huge, and in my opinion more realistic.

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Good start to the debate. Obviously I do not decide which seeds will sprout. sprouts 🌱

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oh wait...I can't cross post it because its paywalled

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