
Geoengineering is a major state crime undertaken using classified budgets. It is often justified as a way to slow down climate change. Its effectiveness is limited. There are other on and off programs to spray other dangerous chemicals that are not necessarily geoengineering projects as well. I do not deny geoengineering and its impact on the climate. But the current chaos is not primarily a result of geoengineering. As to being paid to push trash, I think anyone who reads what I write can figure this out.

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Wow, I am impressed.

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Your public expressions are regularly delightful with their poise and erudition, and occasionally maddening... in instances like these:

* Your readiness to emphasize that the real truth on 9.11 has never, NEVER been told, while failing to state _what_ is that truth in your view

* Your readiness to pronounce judgements on which theory is truthful or fake, which theorist is virtuous or utterly illegitimate, without ever presenting an argument: Argument: that something without which not even Einstein or Newton would have been deservedly heeded. It makes one react : Just who do you think you are?

* Your failure to reply by using the Reply button, though it is right in front of your eyes

This is not written with an idea to amend things with an online post, but to state my inner feelings and my views in communication, however imperfect that communication may be.

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Climate change is a fraud to allow China to utilize all the cheap energy dense resources. Why this is being done I'm not completely sure. Klaus Schwab has talked about Western societies being knocked down a peg to make them more pliable. Maybe the plan being look at how well China is doing. We need to copy them. Klaus referred to China as being a model society. Bill Gates applauds China on its Climate change strategy while China is building new coal plants. The USA has been shutting down coal plants for 20 years but is the 5th largest exporter of coal during the Biden regime. We won't burn coal becauae of climate change but we'll export it! Energy production has stgnated in the USA for 20 years. 20 years ago Chinese energy production was a fraction of that of the USA. Today China makes as much energy just from coal as the entire energy use in the USA. China has zero concern for emissions but Climate alarmists like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab ignore that and tell Westerns (whose emissions are actually falling) that they need to eat bugs and cull their animals herds. Control the food, control the people; control the resources, control the continent; control the money, control the world. On purpose or not Western governmemts have lost control of energy resource flows and are losing control of money due to the aligment of Russia/China and BRICS. They are going to use climate change as the excuse to control the food supply to maintain dominance over its own citizenry. Links below... trends are undeniable and well established. Western populations are in for a very tough near future. There is nobody coming to save them and too much damage has been done.







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Climate change is caused mainly by geo - engineering. Not a word about this from you. Who is paying you?

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You sound like someone who’s in the early stages of truth seeking. Holy shite...you have a long way to go. The wise truth seeker would NEVER dismiss any notion without throughly researching it first...INCLUDING FLAT EARTH and the VIRUS DELUSION.

DO NOT REJECT OR AFFIRM ANYTHING UNLESS YOU CAN DEFEND YOUR POSITION. I would absolutely annihilate you in a debate about germ fairy, vaccines and the shape of the earth because I’ve actually done the work.

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