You call for independent local governments and you also say they should be in accordance with the U..S. Constitution. But the U.S. Constitution does not permit local governments to be independent of the Federal government. Read what the powers of the Federal government are:

enumerated powers

Enumerated powers are the powers granted to the Federal government, and specifically Congress, which are mostly listed in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. Namely the power “to lay and collect taxes”, duties, impost and excises, to pay debts, to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, to regulate commerce with foreign Nations, to constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court, to raise and maintain armed forces, to declare war, to establish a Post Office, etc. In all, the Constitution delegates 27 powers specifically to the Federal government. Clauses from Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution therefore lay out powers specific to the Congress and are oftentimes referred to as Commerce Clause (Clause 3), Necessary and Proper clause (Clause 8), General Welfare or Taxing and Spending clause (Clause 1). These clauses are very broadly interpreted and grant Congress powers that are not specifically enumerated.

In comparison, implied powers are not specifically stated in the Constitution but may be inferred from the Necessary and Proper clause (Clause 8). This provision gives Congress the right "to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and other powers vested in the government of the United States". Enumerated powers must not be confused with inherent powers, which are not specifically listed in the Constitution, but grow out of the very existence of the national government.

[source:https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/enumerated_powers#:~:text=Namely%20the%20power%20%E2%80%9Cto%20lay,forces%2C%20to%20declare%20war%2C%20to .]

The truth about the U.S. Constitution is that it prohibits what you advocate.

I advocate genuine democracy that is describe at https://www.pdrboston.org/genuine-democracy-what-is-it . The U.S. Constitution prohibits this, which is why I say we should NOT follow the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution was written by enemies of the people, as I discuss at https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-us-founding-fathers-were-enemies?r=1iggn .

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There are several parts of the constitution that I do not agree with and your point is a valid one. However, the constitution does not by its nature exclude local governance or community governance. I think our plan would work this way: first restore a constitutional republic that follows the current constitution. End the empire formed by the merging of the British Empire with the US from WW I. Once we have a constitutional democracy, take steps to make it clear to citizens and everyone that the constitution defines what is and is not government and all actions of government all debate on policy must take place within the means defined by the constitution.thst means no lobbyists no political consulting, no bribery. Once we get there,we can have an open discussion on the substantial revision of the constitution. Until we get there, not much can be done

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Many people would say that the very first step in traveling from, say, New York City to, say, Beijing, would be something like "taking a taxi to the airport" or "packing one's suitcase," etc. But no! The very first step is to say, "My destination is Beijing."

Likewise, the very first step of a political movement to create local community independent sovereign governments of, by and for the people who are opposed to class inequality is to declare explicitly that its goal is to create local community independent sovereign governments of, by and for the people who are opposed to class inequality. Such a movement will not say that its goal is something different from that, especially not something that contradicts that (as does a "republic" that allows a few people to be billionaires who INEVITABLY will exert enormous control over the politicians in the national government regardless of any laws that pretend to make this not possible.)

Movements that say the first step is X may achieve X, but they will achieve ONLY X. If X is not the abolition of class inequality (and the kind of local sovereign governments of, by and for those with that aim) but something else, then the movement will not abolish class inequality.

The South Africa ANC with its communist party leaders (such as Mandela) aimed to abolish apartheid as its first step and only end class inequality (the goal of communist parties, right?) later, and look what happened: it did indeed end apartheid but class inequality is firmly established still (arguably even more oppressive than during the apartheid years) and there is no movement of any substantive size now aiming to abolish class inequality.

Ditto for the movement in the United States to end Jim Crow: it ended Jim Crow but now we have the "New Jim Crow" of racist prison incarceration and more generally class inequality with a vengeance.

Ditto the movement for the 8 hour work day.

The strategy of "the first step is only a modest reform" is a loser. Movements only win what they aim for as their first primary goal. The anarchists in Spain in 1936 made the egalitarian goal widely known and widely aimed for and that is why the anarchist (egalitarian) collectives and self-rule by the have-nots formed right away in the part of Spain where the anarchist militia drove out the big landowners. The fatal weakness of the anarchist movement was its agreement to allow anti-fascist capitalists to keep their governmental system when they had the power to prevent that. This is equivalent to your "first step" goal of a "constitutional republic." The anarchists learned this lesson, unfortunately too late. They wrote about it in a book online at https://files.libcom.org/files/guillamon-the-friends-of-durruti-group.pdf .

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Of course I most certainly am aware with this argument and also this real problem. On the other hand there is also plenty of reason to be concerned about revolutionary movements with power concentrated in the hands of a few. I do not take that dim a view of the constitution and I think it is common ground for Americans. Other theories of egalitarianism are most likely quite foreign to most. So I do firmly believe there are jewels buried in the constitution. Perhaps you do not agree. We should discuss it's contents. The anarchists in Spain were clearly not successful, in part because much of their ideological positions, especially on religion, alienated people

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What is the best "jewel" buried in the Constitution? Keep in mind that the entire purpose of the U.S. Constitution--it's ONLY purpose--is to be the rules for the operation of a central, law-making, sovereign national government. Such a government is exactly the OPPOSITE of, and in practice (since money is power) the enemy of, a genuine democracy of the people who are opposed to class inequality and who should only be obliged to obey laws made in a local assembly in which they can if they wish participate as an equal in democratically writing those laws.

You say you worry about "power concentrated in the hands of a few." The U.S. Constitution's entire purpose is to concentrate power in the hands of a few. What I advocate is the way to PREVENT power from being concentrated in the hands of a few: local sovereign assemblies of egalitarians.

The Spanish revolution failed for two key reasons:

#1. The anarchists allowed the anti-fascist capitalists to assume power when they had the power to prevent that.

#2. The anarchists allowed the anti-fascist capitalists to hide the actual egalitarian aims of the anarchists by telling the world that the anti-fascists just wanted a liberal capitalist society. This reduced the appeal of the egalitarians to workers and peasants in the part of Spain where the fascist General Franco was in power and was recruiting to his army. This was especially fatal with the Madrid (anti-fascist) government telling the people in Morocco (who wanted independence from Spain) that the anti-fascists in Spain intended to deny independence to Morocco. This was a fatal move because it enabled General Franco to successfully recruit lots of Moroccans to his army, which was a major source of Franco's power. Franco would probably have lost the war if Madrid had supported independence of Morocco (which the anarchists did support.)

The Catholic Church was absolutely pro-fascist in Spain and the anarchists had no choice but to oppose the Church. Yes, the hold of the Church on workers and peasants was a weakness in the egalitarian movement, but it would not have prevented the movement from succeeding because lots and lots and lots of workers and peasants saw clearly how the Church was their enemy. But what's your point? Are you saying that we should not be critical of an organization that is overtly allied with those who attack working class people, on the grounds that this may alienate some people? Is that your point?

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" does not by its nature exclude local governance or community governance. ~of course not.

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The Presidential election is not a carnival, it's a "freakshow."

That being said, the red line both in Ukraine and Gaza devolved into a blood drenched garotte.

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Q: What do you mean, when you said, "economic and political system"? Does that stretch back in time? Is it the same "system" that it was, let us suggest --- two or three hundred years ago? What about fifty years ago (1970, or '78)?

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trying to spread the news - unfortunately most people do not even know there are more than 3 candidates. All 3 unworthy of the position IMO

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Thank you Ingrid, but in the current ideological structure, even before the repressive Homeland Security measures, if you offer a true alternative it is so threatening that most of the limited hangout truth tellers circle the wagons. However, things will get so grim over the next six months that people my start to wake out of their sleep

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Thank you for what you do. Peace & Love from Oregon

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This video is a must watch; will affect you and is less then 10 Minutes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fbNi2CSoS0ZG/


“…[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank…sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”

Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 324 (MacMillan Co. 1966).


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