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The state of the nation after the Trump show trials

Pastreich's response to critics

Emanuel tries to explain the exact nature of the political crisis we face today, avoiding specific personalities and focusing on the transformation of the US into a war economy controlled by global finance. He talks about what we face today as citizens in this collapsing civilization and what we need to do going forward. Pastreich suggests that getting on the ballot, or raising money from billionaires, is not going to fix anything, not even a priority. He rather offers a vision for how his campaign, combined with the Green Liberty movement, can change the nature of political discourse, and priorities, and get us out of the left/right trap that is being set up by billionaires and their minions at the very moment the secret militarized economy comes on line.

"FEAR NO EVIL" Emanuel Pastreich 2024 Campaign
Emanuel Pastreich, independent candidate for president of the United States, and journalist Peter Morris engage in open discussion of the real challenges we face with you. We do not hide from the true threats facing Americans, and we refuse to submit to limited hangouts, to promote cardboard messiahs, or to engage in narcissistic discussions about the insigificant. The discussion is directly linked to action as described in Pastreich's book "How to Take Down the Billionaires," and as practiced by Green Liberty.
Do join us and support us because we are running the only real campaign in 2024, one that will go to the finish line because we have NO intention of recognizing as president any of these puppets of global finance, private intelligence, foreign lobbying cartels, or billonaires--who wipe their rear ends with the Constitution. Better to follow the Constitution and to be blocked from the ballot than stoop down to take dark money from criminals, seen and unseen. The truth goes marching on. Come with us.
Leading the struggle to win back control of the United States from the parasite class.