
A bit of Tough Love for the New Year 2025

Center for Truth Politics

My best wishes to everyone for the new year. You have within you the infinite potential and the ultimate capacity to understand our world and to transform our society.

This year, 2025, I want to share with you a bit of tough love. Not because I want to, but because we really have no choice but to do so at this point.

Why has politics collapsed in America, and around the world? Why do we see idiots like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, placeholders for billionaires who prefer to hide their influence, dominating the media and fighting god-forsaken defenders of the “left” like Cornel West, Chris Hedges and Bernie Sanders, sad men who speak some truth but who have sold their souls to have the chance to appear in the media. They are, therefore, silent on state crimes, and on real corporate crime. For this reason, the limited truth they offer cannot hold off the limited truth tellers of the right, whether Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, and other conspiracy theorists who are just as compromised, and who talk only about a few select conspiracies, leaving out the most important ones, and then they attack anyone who reveals that their feet are made of clay.

What a disgusting mess.

In part the crisis is one of decadence, of cultural collapse. As Hermann Broch relates in his novel about the moral and spiritual blindness in Germany that made the pointless world war possible in 1914, his novel “The Sleepwalkers,” ultimately, the problem is the decay of values—such that we can no longer discern right and wrong.

This reality is multiplied by the cynical strategy of the billionaires, and their investment experts, to dumb down the population and destroy our ability to think rationally, and to organize effective resistance.

The ability to think rationally is destroyed by the introduction of video games and intentionally stupid cartoons for children, sometimes marketed as essential AI for the future, plus violent war games, pornography, Tik Tok YouTube videos featuring cheese cakes, fat cats, cute boys and girls, and pushing repetitive patterns that encourage robotic thinking and short-term desire. Education, moreover, is not about learning how to think for yourself, scientifically, or even about learning useful facts. It is a business that forces you to pay big money for a certificate that will allow you to work.

But those tricks could be overcome by citizens if the culture that we wade in was not so passive and so cloying.

The ability to organize effective resistance is undermined by thousands of covert campaigns to identity and neutralize anyone who speaks the truth, who is articulate, effective, honest, and is not for sale. If you are effective in your words or actions, you are put on the list automatically, you are pushed into the margins by Homeland Security special access programs. If you are hypocritical, corrupt and self-indulgent, you will be pushed to the front of the line by those same contractors.

This state of affairs is a result of the biggest sin of them all. The refusal of most of the truthtellers and whistleblowers, and the progressive, or common sense conservatives, to address the true state of affairs: that is that the United States, from February of 2001, has effectively been under military rule, granted that the military serves the billionaire class, and that the military hides behind corporations, government organizations, universities, NGOs, newspapers and a host of public intellectuals who do not hesitate to sell their souls for fame and profit.

Finally, the failure of our pundits, our public intellectuals, to address what politics really is, and instead to focus on easy-to digest-themes that Homeland Security has approved of, themes that lead everyone in the wrong direction, that failure has been a major, major problem for citizens trying to find their way forward who do not have the time to read, or the privilege of receiving advanced educations. It is, to speak bluntly, the treason of the intellectuals.

So, what is politics really about? Let me tell you what real politics in America is all about. Until we have honest political figures who talk about real politics, we are going to continue going downhill.

Real politics in America is worked out through contracts for surveillance and manipulation of the public signed between government and multinational private contractors.

Real politics is the negotiation of, and enforcement of, monopolies of production, shipping, logistics, distribution and retail sales that are held by the multinational corporations that control the effective economy in ways that can never be subject to a vote—and serious discussion of is blocked out of the media by classified directives from Homeland Security.

Real politics is the battle between private banks and private equity for control of the determination of the value of currency, and its creation by the Federal Reserve—at the expense of the citizen.

Real politics is the promotion of, and implementation of, war internationally and conflict domestically, by arms manufacturers, private intelligence firms, private security firms, political consulting firms, and the strategy teams of billionaires so as to create the uncertainty and instability in society that discourages resistance, and generate profits through arms sales and government security programs at home and abroad.

Real politics is about the control of food, water, and energy by a group of multinational firms that are owned by a smaller group of trusts, belonging to a handful of billionaire families.

Real politics can be found in the orders for administration given out to the departments of the federal, state, and local government in the form of classified directives and secret law that dictate what must be done and that demand that the true power relationships in government cannot be made public.

Real politics can be found in the domination of medical schools, hospitals, medical journals, and pharmaceutical corporations by a cluster of funds that are run by investment banks for the profit of the few—and hidden from view by a privatized intelligence blob.

Of course, there are plenty of cardboard messiahs who will identify parts of these problems, but they will not describe how things actually work, and they will not tell you how you can start to take control. In other words, they are not engaged in politics at all.

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