
Address to the American People concerning the Israeli attack on Iran

The start of the real war and the end of the phoney war?

Address to the American People concerning the Israeli attack on Iran

The start of the real war and the end of the phoney war?

Emanuel Pastreich

Independent Candidate for President

October 27, 2024

The mountains of denial and self-delusion are at last crumbling and we must face perforce the searing truth of a bankrupt system that depends on war to animate a zombie body politic—at home and abroad. This moment may not be the same as the end of the phoney war of September 1939 to May 1940, when the war between the allied and axis powers did not spin out of control despite the start of hostilities, but we could end up following just such a horrific path very soon-especially as the decision-making process shifts from the politicians and the bankers to the generals and their AI-dominated automated systems for war.

The details of Israel’s bombing of Tehran are not my topic today. The billionaires behind Netanyahu believe, perhaps with good reason, that their control of technology, of money, of intellectual and cultural capital, of food, transportation and distribution, and the manner in which they will drag the United States into this war, will be sufficient to allow them to make good use of this catastrophe to extend their iron grip across the Middle East, Europe, Russia and the world.

Iran has every intention of responding to Israel with an attack of its own—far beyond anything witnessed to date. Anyone who thinks that this process can be contained through some moderated tit-for-tat exchange is living on the moon. Iran has placed most of its military facilities far underground and is most likely able to respond to Israel in force even if the most powerful bunker-buster bombs are deployed against it.

Moreover, Turkey and Russia have plenty of reasons to support Iran, and may be forced to do so even if they are not so inclined.

So many bridges will be crossed, so many bridges will be burned, in the following hours and days. That process, sadly, cannot be undone.

The curse of petroleum culture and consumption economics means that China is also deeply dependent on Iran’s oil, and Russia’s, and most likely will be pulled in to this process as well—although exactly how remains uncertain.  

What do we do as Americans, on the eve of a bogus election, facing a very real world war, which is complemented by class warfare, and supplemented by silent wars waged against all of humanity by the corporate state using nano, bio, and IT/electromagnetic weapons?

We must make the hard decisions that we wanted to avoid and we must draw lines in the sand.

That means that we must recognize that this impossible state of affairs in which lies are considered as truth and truth is considered as a taboo in the newspapers and in the class rooms is the direct result of our cowardice, our inability to respond to the state crimes that have destroyed our civil society: the 9/11 incident, put together by Israeli, American, British and Saudi intelligence factions to defend the Bush regime when it was on the ropes, the wars of plunder that followed, the counterfeiting of money by the Federal Reserve under quantitative easing and other scams, and the Covid 19 psychological operation.

To say that Jews are behind this is irresponsible and misleading. To say that Israel’s role was merely one of abusing Palestinians, and passing over in silence how Israel serves as a crowbar for the powerful to take control of the United States, and the entire global system, is also irresponsible and misleading.

We must first and foremost recognize that Harris, Trump, Netanyahu and the rest of them need world war, and massive destruction, in order to stay in power and to drive their bankrupt casino economy. Only revolutionary politics can stop them.

We must stand up against them, at every level, and deny their legitimacy and their authority, citing legal and moral sources that empower us the citizens, and we must show that the military-industrial-advertising-lobbying complex is not what it appears to be, is not legal, moral, or constitutional, but is rather a cancer. 

Most importantly, I call on you to step forward, to form the foundations for a new republic in your neighborhood, to speak honestly about real issues with family, friends, and neighbors, and to take action, real action, and to promise to support each other in the difficult months ahead as we are subject to constant psychological manipulation in an intentionally imposed war-time political economy.

We who fight for peace, for decency, for civilization, in the face of banal technological tyranny and unabashed barbarism, must be at least as brave, at least as disciplined, as organized, and as committed as those who have planned this horrific omniwar while we lay fast asleep.  

We must shut down this war where it started—in the falsehoods promoted in our decayed culture. Whether we hurt some feelings by telling the unvarnished truth that proper people do not wish to hear when drinking cappuccinos at Starbucks is not important for us today.