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Citizens of the Earth! Oppose the Pandemic Treaty “Lite”

Citizens of the Earth! Oppose the Pandemic Treaty “Lite”

Emanuel Pastreich

Candidate for President of the United States

October 15, 2024

The rush to slap together some sort of a Pandemic Agreement, out of sight from the public, involving institutions like the World Health Organization that are controlled by for-profit pharmaceutical companies, and to do so in  a devious manner before anyone notices, is one of the most dangerous precedents for a bastard breed of “global governance” in which the power goes not to the people of the community, to the nation, or to the citizens, and involves no international cooperation between citizens, or even scientists, but rather an opaque web is woven in darkness wherein decisions are made by an unaccountable and invisible elite who hear only their masters’ voices—that is to say the demands of a corporate royalty. If this Pandemic Treaty “lite” goes through, it will establish deadly precedents for us, horrific precedents for global governance that the elite are just biting on the bit to make real.

It will give private, or bogus public-private partnerships, life and death power over what goes into our bodies, what we do every day, and where we can travel—and it will allow those unaccountable obscure powers to punish us as they see fit.

It will create a super-government that is not accountable to nation states, or to the citizens of the local community, or to the citizens of the Earth, and it will have no responsibility to disclose its true members, or its true purposes, to us.

This Pandemic Treaty will be a strawman treaty—perhaps the first of many-- in which nation states sign up for a treaty with only the outline of its future content and the powerful players, in private, are allowed to fill in the details later.

The treaty has numerous sections which are not made public, not even slightly, even to those representing the nations that are supposed to sign this treaty.

Finally, medical treatments like masks, social distancing, and a variety of so-called vaccines which have been proven scientifically to be ineffective, if not murderous in intent, are still encouraged by this treaty as if all those millions of people had never died. They have died in vain as far as the arrogant and criminal drafters of this treaty are concerned.

As candidate for president of the United States, I condemn this pandemic treaty for its unaccountability and it fraudulent nature, but I also declare that any international agreement must be discussed in an entirely transparent and scientific manner—and that any effort to avoid considering the public interest in the drafting of such treaties and agreements should be regarded as a criminal action—as this most certainly is—and treated appropriately.

I am an internationalist, not a globalist, and I think that the United Nations, treaties the Law of the Sea, and international treaties on weapons, and other treaties, have real value. We have been able to achieve real progress through international cooperation in the past, from the Hague Conferences of the 1890s, to the League of Nations of the 1920s and 1930s, and to the United Nations. But the United Nations and other global institutions have been taken over by private interests, corporations, banks, and the playthings of billionaires like the Gates Foundation. Many of these interests wish to  harm us and to subject us to totalitarian rule for their own profit.

We must reject this treaty completely, and set up a series of scientific conferences, including citizens and qualified experts who have no conflict of interest, to discuss whether pandemics are a threat at all, how we can respond to them if they do occur, and what safeguards must be put in place first before any action is taken to assure us that the authority granted will not be abused by the rich and powerful, and that international institutions will not be misused as a means of protecting vested interests.

If this Pandemic Treaty is passed in this opaque and unaccountable manner, then the citizens of the world are entitled, in accord with the United Nations Charter, to ignore its criminal directives and to seek legal justice against the perpetrators.

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"FEAR NO EVIL" Emanuel Pastreich 2024 Campaign
Emanuel Pastreich, independent candidate for president of the United States, and journalist Peter Morris engage in open discussion of the real challenges we face with you. We do not hide from the true threats facing Americans, and we refuse to submit to limited hangouts, to promote cardboard messiahs, or to engage in narcissistic discussions about the insigificant. The discussion is directly linked to action as described in Pastreich's book "How to Take Down the Billionaires," and as practiced by Green Liberty.
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