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Discussion with rule of law advocate Tony Hall on why Gaza is at the center of American politics now? (July 4, 2024) [part 2]


Anthony J. Hall

University of Lethbridge, Globalization, Professor Emeritus

Anthony James Hall is Emeritus Professor of Liberal Education and Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He is Editor In Chief of American Herald Tribune. Of his 36 years in the classroom, twenty were spent at Laurentian University in Sudbury Ontario and then in Lethbridge as a faculty member in Indigenous Studies. Dr. Hall was deeply involved in the academic dimension of discussions and debates on constitutional issues during the decade following the "patriation" in 1982 of Canada's "supreme law." During this decade Dr. Hall was deeply engaged in processes to determine the constitutional meaning of "Aboriginal and treaty rights." These rights were "recognized and affirmed" in Canada's Constitution Act, 1982. In more recent times Dr. Hall has addressed the issue of the treatment of indigenous Palestinians, especially those in the way of the widening frontiers of Jewish settlements in Israel. For comparing the predicament of Palestinians to the treatment of Indigenous peoples in the Western Hemisphere since 1492, Dr. Hall faced the ire of the Israel Lobby in Canada. In 2016, B'nai Brith Canada led a very aggressive media smear campaign against Dr. Hall. The campaign was initiated with a visceral digital deception on Facebook. The deception led to the immediate suspension of Dr. Hall, then a tenured full professor, without any due process whatsoever. On the basis of an Alberta Court ruling Dr. Hall was reinstated to his professional duties in 2017. Prominent among Dr. Hall's many publications is the two-volume set, The Bowl With One Spoon, published by McGill-Queen's University Press. Dr. Hall continues to be active in research, publication and community service. Since 2014 he has been invited several times to make presentations in his areas of academic specialty at conferences in the Middle East and Eurasia.

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"FEAR NO EVIL" Emanuel Pastreich 2024 Campaign
Emanuel Pastreich, independent candidate for president of the United States, and journalist Peter Morris engage in open discussion of the real challenges we face with you. We do not hide from the true threats facing Americans, and we refuse to submit to limited hangouts, to promote cardboard messiahs, or to engage in narcissistic discussions about the insigificant. The discussion is directly linked to action as described in Pastreich's book "How to Take Down the Billionaires," and as practiced by Green Liberty.
Do join us and support us because we are running the only real campaign in 2024, one that will go to the finish line because we have NO intention of recognizing as president any of these puppets of global finance, private intelligence, foreign lobbying cartels, or billonaires--who wipe their rear ends with the Constitution. Better to follow the Constitution and to be blocked from the ballot than stoop down to take dark money from criminals, seen and unseen. The truth goes marching on. Come with us.
Leading the struggle to win back control of the United States from the parasite class.