
Justice for Targeted Individuals

The first step towards ending the shadow empire

Justice for Targeted Individuals

The first step towards ending the shadow empire

Emanuel Pastreich

November 16, 2024

Sadly, so many who are rightfully outraged at the slaughter of innocent civilians, of women and children, in Gaza, fall silent when talk turns to the horrific shadow government that is strengthening its iron grip over the United States at the very same time. Many of the contractors, whether Elbit Systems or Oracle, who are running the Gaza operation to track people, to destroy local economies, and then to eliminate leaders one by one, are also running sections of the US-Mexican border, training your local police, and running the security cameras at your local shopping center. They are beefing up their targeting of American citizens through illegal and unconstitutional means as I speak to you now.  

That is to say that Gaza today is your neighborhood tomorrow.

The cutting edge of the cruel sword known as techno-totalitarianism can be found in the “Targeted Individuals” program, or TI, run as classified operations for social control and for the systematic destruction of the freedom, the health, and ultimately the lives of innocent citizens—programs that are run with absolute contempt for our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution.

These programs target the innocent and they aim to develop and perfect systems for social control, and for the selective oppression of individuals and groups. The programs are being ramped up and they will grow in influence as our country is subject to the  imposition of a complete war economy, and an effective continuity of government regime that reduces Washington’s politicians and bureaucrats to mere figureheads. Currently the “targeted individuals” programs are wrapped in secrecy, but their implications for our society slowly are being unveiled before a public that has been blinded by fake news and dumbed down by the insipid, the salacious, and the titillating in a degraded culture of narcissism.

The term “targeted individuals” has a narrow meaning and a broad meaning.

The narrow definition of targeted individuals, or TI, refers citizens who have been placed on classified lists and made targets for the testing of a full spectrum of assaults on their bodies and minds using microwave radiation, and other electromagnetic weapons, psychological manipulation, and even nano-technology and other emerging technologies.

The most common form of these attacks, to which I was subject in the past, is what is called “Havana Syndrome.” The early cases of Havana Syndrome were attributed to the Chinese government in the popular press, but such programs are even more advanced and more aggressive in the United States, Great Britain, and Israel—and they exist elsewhere.

In “Havana Syndrome” operations, the targeted individual is bombarded with microwave radiation of varying intensity that causes an acute onset of sound undetected by others, sensations of ticking or ringing in the ears, vibrating pressure to the head, and other symptoms that cause insomnia, inability to concentrate, loss of memory, psychological trauma, and even more serious conditions as the operation continues.

Such brutal attacks using electromagnetic radiation degrade coordination and sense of balance because they damage the brain and nervous system which form an electrical whole.

The microwave beams also cause blood clots, burns on the skin, swelling, rashes, tumors and ulcers. These wounds do not heal and they lead to serious illnesses, and death, over a period of months, or years.

The attacks are not only physical. Targeted individuals have no rights and no recourse. Targeted individuals have nowhere to turn in our country. The conservatives, or progressives, who claim to be fighting for the rights of citizens suddenly fall silent when it comes to targeted individuals; they walk away from anyone who claims to be the subject of these programs.

Sadly, although the evidence for such extra-legal, extra-constitutional operations is overwhelming, as far as comfortable establishment figures, and even a good number of so-called “truth tellers,” are concerned, “it never happened.”

“Targeted individuals,” American citizens whose rights should be guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, are entered in a secret Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) –even though almost none of them have any ties to terrorism—so that they can be designated as “Non-Investigative Subjects (NIS).”

What does it mean to be designated as a "Non-Investigative Subject?” A NIS is a person who enjoys none of the basic rights assured to citizens by the law, by the Constitution, or by common ethical practice.

As soon as you are designated as a non-investigative subject, you are like a prisoner in the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp—subject to whatever whims the contractors for the Pentagon, Homeland Security, or the CIA feel like inflicting on you.

If you go to a lawyer, the lawyer will refuse to hear your case. My case was refused by six lawyers over 15 years, including one who specialized in national security cases. Your friends, family, associates, doctors, police officers and judges, can be, and will be, served with national security letters, classified directives from Homeland Security, or other agencies, that tell them they must refuse to talk to you, or to assist you. Few indeed are the number of people who will try to help such targeted individuals.

Local police and ambulance despatchers will refuse 911 calls from targeted individuals. Organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union or Amnesty International, that supposedly help citizens with legal and constitutional issues, will do nothing to help.

Congress recently passed the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act (RISAA), that includes wording that makes it illegal for a citizen (or police officer or a judge) who is served with a national security letter to consult with a lawyer about his or her rights.

There are two types of targeted individuals, granted that there is some overlap.

Some targeted individuals are subject to harassment and attacks on the body using technology such as microwave weapons for political purposes. We are talking about citizens who speak out against corruption, who are whistleblowers, or who are honest scientists refusing to go along with orders for unethical activities. Sometimes such citizens become targeted individuals simply because they have leadership skills, they identify profound structural problems in a clear and effective manner, or are simply too articulate and convincing when discussing social and economic issues. 

There are others who are selected because of attributes that have value in these experimental programs for developing new technologies, strategies, and systems to conduct invisible warfare. Such targeted individuals are selected, not because of politics, but rather because they are representative of certain segments of the population, or have unique neurological, linguistic, or psychological characteristics that make them valuable for research purposes.

The data collected from such experiments is invaluable to government agencies, multinational corporations, and security contractors who are developing the next generation of technologies for unconventional warfare and social control. These players combine that data with what was learned previously in the Guantanamo Bay torture programs, and other programs under MK-ULTRA and COINTELPRO dating back to the 1950s (and programs that remain secret to this day).

The techniques being perfected in these research programs are designed to break down, to “neutralize,” the target by employing psychological, physical, and emotional stress. 

The ultimate goal is to control the entire population through intimidation, manipulation, fear, and threats. We should assume that what is being done to targeted individuals today will be carried out against large swaths of the population once the technology and the techniques have been perfected.     

There is a broader category of targeted individuals who may not be subject to torture and harassment with microwave radiation, but who suffer from drastic restrictions on their lives imposed without any due process or right of appeal. I am talking about people who cannot find employment, who cannot advance in their careers, who are blocked out of the media, who are forced out of the country, whose posts on YouTube never register more than five views, and who are systematically alienated from friends and family.

Such long-term harassment cannot be appealed in court, and it very existence must be denied by public officials so as to conform with national security letters, classified directives, secret law (law passed by the Congress that is secret but that has the same authority as federal law), or confidential nondisclosure agreements.

Who runs these programs targeting citizens?  

President John F. Kennedy took on the secret government as it took off during his administration and paid for his bravery with his life. He delivered a speech on April 27, 1961, in which he identified the transformation of America by the Military Industrial Complex, a horrific transformation of the republic which President Eisenhauer had denounced just three months before. Kennedy told us,

“If you are awaiting a declaration of war before you assume the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of clear and present danger, then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent.

“It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions--by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence—on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

“It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

The chain of command and the budgets for these Targeted Individuals programs are secret, but enough testimony and secondary materials are in the public domain to limn the contours of the primary efforts run by the Department of Homeland Security (specifically the Federal Bureau of Investigation), the Intelligence Community (specifically the Central Intelligence Agency), and the Department of Defense (specifically Space Force and Air Force) .

There exist repeated references to such programs run out of the Schriever Space Force Base near Colorado Springs by the US Space Force and the CIA.

The central figure in these operations is the Executive Director (from the Air Force) of the Special Access Program Central Office (SAPCO) who has Top Secret/SCI clearance at level 37 and who oversees the TI programs. TI is an USAP (unacknowledged special access program) which is the most unaccountable operation run by the government.

An unacknowledged SAP (or USAP) is accessible only to a handful of authorized personnel--and they are required, in violation of the law and the Constitution, to deny its existence—or else they will face fines, imprisonment, or other punishments. The Special Access Program Central Office can easily limit the clearance, or authorization, of any government or military employee and thereby destroy his or her career.

In addition, the FBI & DHS Fusion Centers run a global gangstalking program that is designed to harass and psychologically damage targeted individuals. Within the FBI, targeting officers or targeting analysts, add whistleblowers and truthtellers, even parents concerned about their children’s educations, to classified terrorist lists. They do so as a means of getting the operation started and of being rewarded with massive bonuses.

Increasingly, these programs are administered by private contractors who are completely unaccountable. The FBI, CIA, or DoD outsources the harassment of citizens through opaque “public-private partnerships” like Infragard, Citizen Corp, and Neighborhood Watch (granted that some of there were originally legitimate organizations).

The merger of the Federal government with global finance, and with IT firms like Google, Oracle, Amazon, and Microsoft, has created a shadow empire whose core elements are located in Washington DC, London, and Tel Aviv, but which extends across the globe. This system uses government and private corporations to attack individuals who they fear are engaged in effective organization of resistance to the emerging unaccountable “deep state” or, as David Hughes puts it, the “technocracy” that commands the “omniwar” against all the citizens of the United States, and, ultimately, of the Earth.

There is one organization that has taken up the cause and resolutely denounced this threat, challenging these attacks in the United States, and around the world, on targeted individuals. That organization is Targeted Justice and I pledge my full support for their efforts. Targeted Justice has been unique in making these classified programs, this cancerous growth of unaccountable operations, this a grotesque marriage of government, the military, intelligence, global finance, and IT corporations, a topic for honest and open discussion in the political realm.

For the first time, thanks to Targeted Justice, we see the possibility that political figures will emerge who actually take up the cause of targeted individuals. One such figure is Ana Toledo who has been discussed as a possible Deputy Attorney General at the Department of Justice.

It is a terrible mistake to think that the targeting of citizens with microwave weapons is not relevant to your family, is obscure and far way, or is a bit of science fiction mythology.

These weapons, and the systems that employ them, are being refined through these experiments for the purpose of future deployment against you and your loved ones. Stand with targeted individuals because it is your moral duty as a citizen and because the next victims in this omniwar will be yourselves and your children.

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