
“Justice for Targeted Individuals: Extending our Movement to Asia”

Launch of Targeted Justice Program in Asia

Targeted Justice

Open Townhall Meeting

“Justice for Targeted Individuals:

Extending our Movement to Asia”

Emanuel Pastreich

Director of Center for Truth Politics, Green Liberty

Former candidate for president in the Green Party and Independent Candidate

November 20, 2024 (Wednesday)

The illegal and unconstitutional targeting of citizens, the current targeted individuals (TI) classified programs run in Homeland Security, in the CIA and NSA, and in Space Force and Air Force in Department of Defense, is the cutting edge of the horrific knife, the preparations and training to wage unconventional war against all Americans, and against all citizens of the entire Earth as part of what David Hughes describes as an “omniwar.”

We must stand with all targeted individuals and demand that the programs be stopped immediately and that the precise contours of these criminal operations be disclosed to the public through the complete declassification of these treacherous experiments in secret governance by the unaccountable “invisible empire that cannot be named.”

East Asia, that is to say Korea, Japan, China, and other nations, also have many targeted individuals, victims of attacks with microwave radiation, other electromagnetic and nano-technological weapons, and psychological harassment and illegal interference. These attacks cannot be addressed through in the justice system or brought up in the media. Not only are the bodies and minds of victims being destroyed, not only are their families being torn apart, but the foundations of civil society, and civilization itself, are being raised to the ground by these dark projects, in Asia, the US, and around the world.

We must demand justice for the victims before this operation spreads any further.

Targeted Justice leads the way towards justice, accountability and transparency, and that is critical as we face a new dark age that hides itself in the flashy camouflage of the internet. Targeted Justice is launching, starting today, a program to coordinate between East and West for public understanding and demands for justice and accountability. Asia is critical to our struggle. Sadly, language barriers have kept us separated, as have efforts to demonize Asian culture that are rolled out by the hidden powers so that the shadow empire can divide us up.

We hope to start regular broadcasts in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese languages that will engage both victims of microwave and other radiation attacks, gang stalking, and other psychological operations and bring together all citizens for a common demand for justice, to establish a mutual platform for promoting international cooperation in the resistance to these deadly programs that threaten all of us.

As Frederick Douglass wrote in protest against chattel slavery, an institution not unlike what is being planned for us right now,

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.

The experience of a targeted individual, and long-term gang stalking and harassment is not unfamiliar to me. I will not go into the detail of how by efforts to seek peace in Asia by rethinking the definition of security while a professor at University of Illinois, and researcher at the Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security Program there, led to me being covertly drugged so as to appear irrational, that was made a justification to put me on sick leave for mental illness for two years, and eventually led to me being dismissed from the University of Illinois—only finding employment at the Korean Embassy in Washington DC briefly before I was forced to find work in Korea, and then Japan, for a period of 17 years.

But my case is not important. What is important is that we all come together. That we recognize that globalism and technocracy is a criminal operation that must be stopped, but that true internationalism, in which individuals for righteous causes join forces without submitting to dark powers, for the sake of defending human rights is an absolute necessity.

Please, if you know anyone in Asia who is interested in helping us, do contact me directly, or help them to set up a program that parallels and reenforces our efforts.

Let me also note that true security, defending citizens against the emerging threats posed by these new transnational syndicates that hide behind banks, corporations, governments and NGOs, is a security threat and we must retool our current military to address it. Intelligence, the accurate understanding of such threats and the presentation of the key information to decision-makers is also absolutely critical for our survival. We cannot, however, tolerate those who misuse the terms “security” or “intelligence” to cloak their war on the citizens, or to sweep under the rug their rape of our nations and our people. For those of you participating today in our event as contractors to private intelligence firms funded by Homeland Security, DoD, or other intelligence budgets, we welcome you.

We reach out to you and we say with the deepest respect for your efforts,

Please join us in this effort for verily, you have nothing to lose but your chains.


標的にされた個人(Targeted Individuals TI)


타겟이 된 피해자 (Targeted Individuals TI)


被盯人物 (Targeted Individuals TI)