
Looking straight at the aftermath of the puppet show

Laying down stones in the ashes to serve as the foundation for a new nation

Looking straight at the aftermath of the puppet show

How to lay down stones in the ashes that will serve as the foundation for a new nation

Emanuel Pastreich

November 6, 2024

The puppet show election is over and the CEOs and political operatives are dividing up the spoils behind the curtain. In pro-wrestling, there is a winner and a loser. But whether anyone really “won” or “lost” is the talk of fools. What we do know without any doubt, is that the myth of a Democratic Party that stands for working people has had a wooden stake driven through its zombie heart. That does not mean the Republicans were better, but that their vague offers of change won over some who would otherwise never have supported a con man like Donald Trump.

As candidate for president, let me state again that we cannot accept this bogus election, one pumped full of fraud and deception from the start, covered over with bribes from left to right, and disinformation from North to South. The two so-called candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, had no legitimacy to start with and would never have been selected by the people.

I do not congratulate Donald Trump on his “victory” but rather call on him to step down because his direct participation in state crimes and his acceptance of blatant bribes from the rich and powerful disqualifies him from any public office.

We must hold a transparent, scientific, and internationally monitored presidential election in the near future. There is no other choice.

We the people must lay the stones in the ashes of this burnt house that will be the foundations for a new republic, starting today, and we should do so with confidence, and assurance, knowing that the sound and fury that the decadent puppet masters produce is but an annoying echo of tyranny in the halls of history.

The second Declaration of Independence from the Shadow Empire rooted in Washington, London and Jerusalem offers us a starting point from which we must go forth as we rewrite the rules by which politics is conducted, rather than trying to conform to the bankrupt and rigged rules, the political scraps, that the powerful deign to allow us to have.

Let us forget about elections for the moment. They will not mean anything until we have solid institutions and reliable journalism, until our citizens are entitled to quality education and accountable government—and that process starts with the organization of citizens, block by block, town by town, state by state, into ethical and transparent communities.

Better to face the truth, and to speak honestly with your family. Better to start your own garden and encourage your neighbor to do so too. Better to print a local newspaper about real issues and distribute it to everyone. Better to explain to your children honestly how the economy works and why we must have these wars. That honest discussion is the start of a new republic and it must never be a matter of raising money from the rich.

Six tools of tyranny that the so-called revolutionaries of the left and right will not mention, and cannot stop

Let us rather talk today about the six tools of tyranny that are employed to run this country but that you are not empowered to change, or even to address, through elections or any part of the political process.

These six tools of tyranny can be stopped by citizens, but only by building constitutional accountable transparent local organizations and embracing a revolutionary stance in accord with our Declaration of Independence. This revolution cannot be bought, cannot be outsourced, and cannot be brought into being by anyone else but you. As Hillel the Elder said, “If not me, who? If not now, when?”

1)   Stock Market, derivatives market, and other bogus “markets”

The first tool of tyranny is the stock market. This rigged casino where the rich force us to play our game by their rules and in which they can bankrupt us at any time by changing the rules in midstream is the economic rack on which they torture us. All the politicians and the devious economists bow before this false god shamelessly, Wall Street, offering up the futures of our children to its ugly gods and their bloody fangs. If we cannot create policy that regulates, or eliminates, Wall Street because of its thievery and blatant criminality, then we are but subjects of a horrible shadow tyranny.  

2)   Advertising, entertainment, and public relations complex

From the cradle we are told what to value and what not to value, not by wise elders, not by the enlightened writings of past ages, not by our parents, but rather by the advertising, entertainment, and public relations complex that brainwashes us without our knowing. We are told we must crave sex and sweet food, that we must live in a big house and indulge in waste if we want to be happy—all by the advertisers and entertainment moguls. We are seduced by the superficial, distracted by titillations of voyeurism, and dumbed down by thrills bereft of meaning, and thus induced into a narcissistic coma—all courtesy of the entertainment industry.

The covert public relations industry spends billions to convince us, using Harvard professors and movie stars, that war is peace, that slavery is freedom, and that false politicians on leashes can lead us to the promised land.

3)   The lobbying and consulting complex

The lobbying industry allows corporations and the rich to bribe public officials, to force them to rely on the most despicable elements in our society for the money demanded for election campaigns. Lobbying must be made illegal; yet in this depraved age politicians have their speeches written by lobbyists, have their laws drafted by lobbyists and count on lobbyists to provide cushy jobs for their family and friends. The consultants are a breed of their own, just behind the scenes, making the real decisions for the puppets on TV. Consultants can do anything and they are accountable to no one. They carry the real messages from the billionaires mouths to the ears of those in government.

4)   The Federal Reserve, bank, and intelligence/military complex

The Federal Reserve, which creates and devalues our money, is the pawn of private banks, and no longer under the control of the Congress, and far beyond the reach of the people who are forced to use the money it prints up. That means that BlackRock or Black Stone, State Street or Goldman Sachs, or any number of hidden players located overseas, pretending to be “American” can just order money printed up and your money will diluted by inflation as a result. It is called theft. Such monetary thievery has grown worse and it is tied to intelligence now, which is run, in turn, by IT firms like Google, Amazon, Oracle, and Microsoft, and they are working hard to force you to employ digital money which they can take away from you at any moment.

They also cooperate with the Pentagon which uses bogus military budgets as a means of laundering the fake money, or dirty money, that the bankers bring in.

5)   The automation, electrification, and digitalization scam

Big business has planted talking heads in universities, in journalism, and in politics who keep telling us we must be on the cutting edge of semiconductors, and must install as soon as possible the latest million-dollar systems for the automation and digitalization of our society in order to remain competitive. But the technologies that we are told we must have they do not improve our lives, but rather they make society more fragile and easily disrupted and they assure that hacking, a break in the supply of energy, or even a software update we never asked for can bring us all to our knees in a way that even a war could do not previously.

Automation and digitalization not only destroy jobs, not only create a Gaza of the soul at the shopping center, or your office, they also make us passive and dependent, they consume massive amounts of energy, they establish a totalitarian form of governance in which people without credit cards or mobile phones do not exist, and they purposely hollow out institutions so that there is no one there behind the websites we see.

As a result, the departments of government, of universities, of all public institutions are managed for profit by private firms that exploit us, rather than assist us, and whose very existence is hidden. Correspondence and telephone calls received from our citizens are handled by 1  people who have no authority or accountability. AI, a scam that allows multinational corporations to determine our lives in secret and to give dictatorial orders that are supposedly produced by supercomputers who are wiser than us, is being introduced in every corner of the nation as part of this war on the people.

6)   Medicine as war on the bodies of citizens  

The takeover of the entire medical field, from basic research at universities, to academic journals, to hospitals and clinics, to pharmaceuticals, to insurance and public policy by investment banks has created a new form of medicine whose purpose is to extract profit from the citizens at any price and to destroy their bodies using a new form of warfare.

This war went into overdrive in 2020 with the complete takeover of medicine by the military and intelligence during the Covid-19 operation which took as its mission, starting at DARPA, the destruction of the bodies of citizens with dangerous medications that have no scientific value, but are rather new types of weapons and the issuance of pandemic scares meant to induce mind-numbing trauma.

We need to grab these six tools of tyranny by the horns and wrestle them to the ground. The political parties will not touch them; the journalists are silent. We the citizens must do the heavy lifting ourselves.

The peace activist Philip Berrigan described our predicament perfectly,  

“We will suffer as a people, and that suffering will take one of several courses. We will continue our obstinate and heavy-handed idiocy up to and through World War Three and burn as the world burns with us. Or we will keep our counsel while America is torn by bloody revolution until domestic chaos makes impossible the false unity needed to fight war. Our decent Americans will learn, as they do not now understand, that proportionate power is no longer in their hands—that power rests today with the economic conglomeration and their political representatives in Washington, and that regaining power must mean introducing nonviolent revolution. Otherwise, power will be taken from its inhuman masters by inhuman means, foreshadowing its inhuman use by new masters.”