
State Crimes and your Pocketbook

November 3, 2024

State Crimes and your pocketbook

Emanuel Pastreich

Independent Candidate for President

November 3, 2024

Often when I start a conversation with working people, with men and women who toil all day at one job and all night at another to just pay their bills, to get their kids through school, they listen to what I say about the rape of our country with great intensity, but then I notice uncertainty in their expressions, even bewilderment in their words, when I tell them that I place state crimes front and center in my campaign, in our movement.

How could those obscure conspiracies have anything to do with the painful daily experience of working people, they ask me.

For we Americans, the situation is grim. Our journalism and our education are controlled by the rich and powerful and state crimes are made something far away and obscure, shrouded in mystery, something that seems to be of little interest to anyone but history buffs.

The Kennedy assassination is filed next to Area 52 diagrams and testimonies of victims of alien abductions, the 9/11 incident is placed adjacent to legends of bigfoot, the truth about the counterfeiting of money by the Federal Reserve is found next to Kabbalah and the Ouija Board, and the Covid-19 operation is filed away with tattered reports about the Loch Ness Monster.

In short, these massive state crimes that have gutted our society and established rule by criminals, are presented to the American people as obscure and irrelevant, events to be discussed in conspiracy theory circles which are of no concern to ordinary people, people trying to get a job, or gather together enough money to pay rent for next month.

That presentation of state crimes, of these abominations, these criminal actions against every citizen of the nation, is intentionally obscure and the reason for that obscurity is clear. The pursuit of state crimes, and the demand for complete transparency, accountability, and compensation is the best, the only, means of creating an egalitarian society in which everyone has an equal opportunity and equal assistance for life’s hardships, a society in which everyone is absolutely equal before the law-with no exceptions for billionaires and their pals.

You see, these state crimes entitle you, the citizen, and we, the nation, to full compensation, and fines, against those responsible. The state crimes they committed empower us to jail those who ran them from behind the curtains and to seize all their assets for redistribution to the victims: the citizens of our country.

That redistribution of wealth and power in our nation will not be done because of some crazy ideology or insane cult—No! It must be done in accord with the Constitution, which defines our nation, in accord with the law, which regulates human interactions, and in accord with common decency, which makes our nation human.

The money that we need to solve many of the most serious problems facing our families is there, waiting for us. We do not have that money, and our government does not have it, because it has been stolen from us using means that were unconstitutional, illegal, and immoral. If enough people demand justice, we will get access to that wealth and we will reveal to the world all that has been kept secret. We will jail all the true criminals who hide behind their moneybags as they parade their conservative and progressive puppets before us on the TV screen.

Let us consider the great state crimes

The Kennedy Assassination

The Kennedy assassination was carried out by a handful of the rich and powerful so as to promote war and conflict for their financial benefit, and to make the military the central part of the economy so as to increase corporate control, and profits, and to set up a secret government that made it clear to every president who served after John F. Kennedy that if you do anything to question this corrupt system, you will be killed.

Uncovering the truth of who was really responsible for the Kennedy assassination will end this mafia secret governance in America and give us the legal grounds to seize hundreds of billions of dollars from the criminals behind those actions, money that will then belong to the people.

The 9/11 Incident

The 9/11 incident was a blatant false flag operation that allowed intelligence and the military in the United States (with Great Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia and others on board) to run the government in secret and to give trillions of dollars for the rich. That false flag was used as an excuse to launch more than twenty years of expansionist wars overseas that made trillions of dollars in profits for those same people.

If we reveal the truth about 9/11, and the wars that followed it, we will be empowered by the Constitution, by international law, and by federal law to seize the assets of all the rich who were behind it, and to make public all the dirty details of the trusts, funds, banks and private equity firms that they hide their wealth behind.

Seizing the assets of those truly responsible for 9/11

will bring in trillions of dollars, greatly reduce the national debt, and end the concentration of wealth in the hands of the very few that leaves most of us in such terrible straits.

The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is set up so that private banks, run by the rich through trusts and other opaque mechanisms, can print up US currency out of nothing and give it to banks and corporations to buy stock, to buy up real estate, to buy derivatives and other mythical creatures, and otherwise to create wealth and power for themselves by magic.

But it is not magic at all. Over the last twenty years, trillions and trillions were stolen, most notably through the bogus quantitative easing programs and the Covid-19 relief programs.

And the bankers and their pals are still doing it. They are counterfeiting money with impunity. If you did it, you would go to jail. If they do it, they are “stimulating the economy.”

That free money is not free. The inflation of prices you see is a result of their printing up money and thereby devaluating the money you have. Inflation is the theft of your money by the rich—and not related to some mythical “interest rate” manipulation.

Corporations are able to dominate the economy, to buy up real estate, and to put all local businesses out of business using the fake money that they create in conspiracy with the Federal Reserve, the Department of the Treasury, Wall Street, and private banks.

Until we launch investigations, we will not know how many trillions of dollars they stole from us, from the working people who own the money of the United States, through counterfeiting. A conservative estimate is that including quantitative easing, Covid relief, market stimulation, and money laundering through the Pentagon, using fake expenses for weapons and intelligence, is that they stole over 40 trillion dollars from us over the last two decades.

We are entitled to seize all of those assets from the billionaires because of these criminal acts and doing so will get rid of “billionaires” and help pay off the debts artificially forced on us by those bought and paid for by the billionaires in the government. Once billionaires have no money to bribe people, a lot more truth will be revealed.

Demanding truth and compensation for Federal Reserve fraud is the fastest and most certain way to help working Americans.


And then there was the Covid-19 military intelligence, media, big pharma, academic psychological warfare that demoralized citizens and destroyed local economies using bogus lockdowns and restrictions on economic activity, and requiring dangerous masks of the population for psychological control that destroyed health and murdered science and medicine. Then there were the deadly fake vaccines designed to kill and cripple, to alter human genes, and to bring in enormous profits for pharmaceutical companies.

That operation cost us trillions and trillions, and it killed millions and millions. It helped multinational corporations to destroy local businesses and it made Walmart and Amazon the dictatorships that they are today.

Demanding truth and compensation from all the billionaires who own the corporations who ran this show, and who controlled the military and intelligence in the United States, Israel, Germany, China and elsewhere who forced this deadly operation on humanity, will bring us trillions and trillions of dollars in assets from the criminals who actually planned this war. We can talk about raising taxes on the rich at some later date. Seize their assets and lock them up today! All of them were involved in these crimes and the reasons for seizing the wealth are easy to understand.  We can prove many of these crimes with just the material that has been released so far.

There will be no doubt as to who is the enemy of the people when the rest of the records are made public. And there will not be any doubt as to where the money has to come from. The trillions of dollars we seize from these criminals will entitle working people to a jubilee, to go without paying any taxes for several years. Once the billionaires are impoverished, and cannot afford lobbyists, publicists, bribes, or lawyers, once they are just like we are, then we the people will be able to create a fair tax code that taxes those who deserve to be taxed.

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