
Strike Back against Trump's Deep State in Drag

Stand with Federal Workers

Strike Back against Trump's Deep State in Drag

Stand with Federal Workers

Emanuel Pastreich

The illegal, unconstitutional, and unethical firing of thousands of workers throughout the federal government via criminal “termination letters” issued by the fake and putrid “Department of Government Efficiency” must be seen for what it was: a declaration of war against the citizens of the United States by a military dictatorship that serves a handful of billionaires and that intends to use the charge of “fraud and inefficiency” in government as and excuse to eviscerate every unit of the government except for a privatized military, intelligence, domestic security, and immigration complex. That militarized part of the government that will be left behind will have the single goal of destroying any and all paths for the citizen to appeal to reason, law, the Constitution, or humanity.

The only response possible to this declaration of war on the people is to launch of a massive strike and to start a national movement to completely rebuild the government so that it serves as a government of the people, for the people and by the people, and not as the bludgeon of the billionaires used to reduce workers to slavery using AI and propaganda slogans like “efficiency” and “innovation.”

A large number of senior, junior, and probationary workers in the federal government were told by a mass mailing that they were being dismissed for “poor performance” by Elon Musk, a man who is but a clown with bloody hands and who came to power using classified DARPA budgets to enrich himself and his PayPal fiends at the expense of workers, and who then bribed basically everyone to empower him as the narcissist-in-chief who represents a handful of billionaire families.

That some of those federal workers were engaged in waste, fraud, and even bribery is a proven fact, although they do not hold a candle to Musk and Trump, or to the shadow kings Peter Thiel, Timothy Mellon, and Steve Feinberg who pull their strings.

In all honesty, most of the government workers performed essential jobs such as checking water and soil pollution, answering concerns of citizens about financial and corporate fraud, assuring safe transport by airplanes and automobiles, repairing public infrastructure, and guaranteeing citizens that they have a right to due process.

All of these functions have been undermined over the last forty years not by bloated bureaucrats—although there were some of those—but by the rich who have purposely undermined every part of government that might oppose their agenda of dominance.

Where do we stand now?

No messiahs are coming to save us from the Trump regime which has benchmarked Argentina, Israel, and Russia for strategies as to how shut down opposition and create a militarized plutocratic state. The professional “truth tellers” and “whistle blowers” who tell us that the shut down of USAID for small-time fraud, the new restrictions on mRNA vaccines that may, or may not, ever be implemented, and the appointment of the fascist-collaborators Robert Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard demonstrate that we have taken a turn for the better, that it is “morning in America” are taking the dark money to make up tales for us.

That new dawn is more likely to be the detonation of multiple warheads in a nuclear war (for which extremely concrete plans are already in place) than any improvement in the impoverished and repressed lives of ordinary Americans.

We should all know that the authorization of the employment of strategic and tactical nuclear weapons has been farmed out to for-profit multinational corporations to a degree that would terrify the working man and woman if they only knew.

What is the plan at the “Department of Government Efficiency?”

Hundreds of thousands of federal jobs will be eliminated, to be replaced by AI systems that are run by the billionaires who back the Trump regime. The problem with these federal workers is not that they are corrupt and inefficient—granted that some have become exactly that while working under a criminal military government since 2001—but rather that the billionaires know full well that government employees are the one part of American society that could possibly organize an effective resistance to this takeover.

And that is precisely, precisely, what we need to do right now. To combine the expertise and the organizational structures that exist within the remnants of government with the bravery of leading advocates for revolutionary opposition to the plutocracy, and the large numbers of honest working people across the entire United States who are ready for fundamental, not incremental, change, and who can see with eyes wide open that the “deep state” narrative advanced by Trump is a “deep” fraud written and acted out by the billionaires themselves.

Federal workers, who have specialized expertise in public health, education, welfare, science and other cultural fields that working people depend on to survive mentally, spiritually, and physically, are being laid off first as part of this billionaire scheme (the unclassified form of which was released by the Heritage Foundation as “Project 2025”) to destroy civil society and to usher in a new age of barbarism that includes plans for genocide (currently being perfected by private intelligence firms in Gaza and the West Bank) on a scale not seen since the conquest of the Americas by the Spanish, Portuguese, British, and French empires in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Of course, federal workers went along with the Covid-19 reign of terror and followed the horrific lockdown, social isolation, psychological warfare, and vaccine protocols developed at DARPA and carried out through classified directives from the Department of Defense and the intelligence agencies. But anyone who is blaming those guys and leaving out the billionaires and their strategy teams who cooked that project up and then gave the orders, is, plain and simple, a paid agent.

Federal workers were disgusted, but not surprised, that rather than organizing a massive strike, informing citizens of the true state of the nation and mobilizing them, and calling for the arrest of the entire Trump regime, the so-called “labor unions” such as the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), to which 800,000 workers in the federal government pay dues, has rolled over on its back and is playing dead. The AFL-CIO, and other so-called “labor unions” are on the same page after their over-paid presidents consulted with their insider K Street lawyers about what do to, and then spoke about their family vacations in Italy and the delicious Moroccan restaurant that they discovered in Bethesda.

The solution offered up by the minions of the parasite class that runs unions, and that represents the people through bankrupt “think left; live right” NGOs and “graveyards for citizens’ movements” like the Democratic Party, is to file a pile of lawsuits that will keep their lawyers rich and get a few federal judges to make pathetically weak rulings that accept the criminal military rule of the United States of America as a given, but that delay the implementation of the most draconian directives, while accepting the vast majority of the subterranean rules for government workers that create an effective dictatorship.

The AFL-CIO and their friends know full well that by the time these rulings by federal judges make their way up to the Supreme Court and are struck down by the toadies and lackeys of the billionaires who dwell there, that it will be far too late to restore a functional government.

But, they knew that from the start, didn’t they?

And, don’t tell anyone, but they took payments through classified anti-disinformation programs run by Homeland Security—just like they did to embrace the Covid-19 scam.

There are 2.4 million workers, not including US Postal Service workers, employed by the federal government. Some of them are wasteful and inefficient, but they are like tiny ants compared with the lumbering parasites that make up the Trump cabinet.

If the federal government had not been undermined and weakened by massive privatization and if it still had the authority that once rested with the competent and the sincere which has since been transferred to a new class of political consultants, think tank operators, lobbyists, and pay-to-play politicians, it would not have been possible to do this sort of damage so quickly.

Let us step back and assess the damage.

Massive layoffs have been ordered for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) which protects citizens from corporate and banking fraud, Department of Education which offers at least some basic skills to ordinary citizens despite massive privatization and slashing of budgets, Department of Energy (DOE), Bureau of Land Management (BLM)which still protects wildlands, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which inspects factories for pollution and monitors water, soil and air for contamination, National Institutes of Health (NIH) which still contains many committed civil servants even though large parts of it were occupied by private intelligence during the Covid reign of terror, National Park Service (NPS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which is still playing a vital role despite its degradation under Covid, General Services Administration (GSA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM) now made the operational center for the destruction of government and rule by multinational corporations, Small Business Administration (SBA), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which still serves an important role, US Forest Service (USFS), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) which keeps us away from catastrophe, Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

From this day forward, the environment will belong to fracking companies, forests to timber companies, health will be controlled by pharmaceutical companies, and Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for working people and the poor will cease to exist.

Corporations will be given free rein to exploit workers and the environment for short-term profit. Already discrimination is being held up as a right of the corporation and climate change is being treated as a fiction as scientists are replaced by religious hacks.

Federal workers may have it better than other workers in America. But we should have no doubt about what the meaning of this attack is.

The attack on federal workers is the cutting edge of an unprecedented attack on the jobs, wages and conditions of all workers, public and private, as well as the gutting of public health, education, welfare, science and cultural programs on which tens of millions of working families depend.

We will not make any progress until we face the unpleasant reality that confront us. The United States is not in danger of losing its democracy, it is already a military dictatorship. The organizational system referred to as the “federal government” is no longer a government in the constitutional or legal sense, but massive private corporation run by Elon Musk and a set of billionaires through a cluster of holding companies that is administrated by private intelligence firms, starting with Palantir, Amazon, and Oracle, who report directly to the billionaires through a series of classified special access programs.

The three largest employers in the United States of America are now the corporate-occupied Federal Government Inc., WalMart Inc. (1.5 million employees) and Amazon Inc. (1.1 million employees). All these organizations, and others, must be made into cooperatives wherein the administrators report to the workers, the citizens, who actually run the institutions, and their goals must be the long-term interests of the citizens, not the profits of billionaire stockholders around the world.

The comical and pathetic response of the cravenly unions to this declaration of war offer us an example of what we should not do.

AFGE National President Everett Kelley did not lead workers in the streets, but rather composed a tactful letter in his luxurious office stating that although those subject to these illegal terminations were given “no notice, no due process, and no opportunity to defend themselves,” the best that the AFGE can do is “pursue every legal means available.”

The AFL-CIO made no move to mobilize its 15 million members in a mass strike, or to organize citizens against this corporate occupation. Instead, its PR firm copied Elon Musk and launched a bogus, toothless, farcical “Department of People Who Work for a Living.”

This cardboard “department” will “bring in workers who are on the ground, leaders from our unions and voices across our movement to help you make sense of what is going on and what you can do about it.”

In other words, it is an impotent talk shop set up in response to cruel and unforgiving warfare unleashed by the parasite class. Notably the word “strike” is not even mentioned as a possibility by these unions—most likely because they have already been bribed and subject to classified directives that make such activity impossible.

What is to be done?

First, we must organize workers in government, and in the corporations to which government functions are outsourced, so that they stand with the citizens, and with the poor and unemployed, and with the intellectuals with specialized knowledge, as a single undivided team.

We must denounce the criminal regime that rules the United States, and many other countries, and we must do so directly and unambiguously. We must make the taboo truths about 9.11, the Covid-19 reign of terror, and the false flag campaigns waged against the people by the billionaires central in our discourse.

We must objectively describe for our citizens how the nation is really run and what must be done to create an egalitarian society.

We must refuse to allow the powerful to use small differences to divide us up and we must eschew the terms “left” and “right” that are imposed by the corrupt media to confuse us.

We must denounce the corporate-fed Democrats and Republicans, the fake Greens and fake libertarians all of whom have refused to take on any of the state crimes.

We must demand that the rule of our country by the billionaires through classified programs end and that their ill-got assets be seized in toto. That requires us to detail the criminal operations that created these billionaires, starting with 9.11, Covid-19, the Federal Reserve counterfeiting, and three decades of domestic and international false flag operations.

We must announce a comprehensive plan for revolutionary change that starts with the seizure of control of the means of production of food, of goods, of tools, of information, education, and communications so that they can be run by collectives, by the people, in accord with the Constitution, and thus assure basic rights to all citizens in an egalitarian society.

That means we must oppose the imposition from above of AI, cloud computing, 5G, and massive digitalization projects that covertly run government and society through multinational corporations that are unaccountable. Following the current reckless path will inevitably reduce workers to slaves.

We must end the project to dumb down our people through banal entertainment, pornography, games, and other distractions. We cannot achieve our goals unless we raise the awareness of workers, citizens, and mobilize the intellectuals to join us.

Intellectuals, those with specialized training and expertise, that is to say teachers, professors, doctors, journalists, scientists, engineers, lawyers, accountants, and others must be reminded, forcefully and persuasively, that they have a moral obligation to stand with the workers against the plutocrats, and to not serve the plutocrats in return for scraps from the banquet table.

If a multi-billionaire criminal like Elon Musk can concoct a bogus “Department of Government Efficiency” without any legal or constitutional basis and then he can employ it as a sledgehammer to knock down all the institutions of the federal government, then it is not only possible, but it is imperative, that we establish a “constitutional Federal Bureau of Investigation” and a “constitutional Justice Department” and then empower them to follow the Constitution and the law as they organize the federal employees who are scattered across the ruins where a government once stood, and lead them, empower them, as they take concrete action against the predatory class.

After all, if a guest that you invite into your home smashes down all the bearing walls with a sledgehammer in the first ten minutes, the only diplomatic response you can make is,

“I was planning to do some remodeling anyway.”

We must mobilize the people who make up the military, the police, and those involved in immigration, intelligence, and other security functions, within government, and in corporations, convincing them that they too must stand with the workers, the people who are just like them, and they must use their skills and their resources to defend the people against the predations of the predator class; if that means sending special forces to take control of the supercomputer banks that the billionaires use to run their global psychological manipulation operations, or to seize the private islands, and deep underground silos, that are inhabited by these ruthless and unremorseful criminals, then by the Constitution and by the will of the people, so be it.

Needless to say, such a plan cannot succeed without first rooting out the criminal elements who have been planted throughout the bureaucracy to serve the rich, reporting to the strategic teams of the billionaires through obscure chains of command, and working in classified special access programs. These craven and greedy people who dance to please the banks and the billionaires behind them must be brought down by any means. Taking down this network may well be the most challenging part of this project, but history demonstrates that it is entirely possible; it is a matter of will, of commitment to moral imperatives and to the welfare of all citizens, without exception.

Join us, starting with the workers in the federal government, as we map out a constructive and inspiring plan for what the United States can be, one diametrically opposed to the diabolical AI-driven dystopia that is unfolding around us--all according to their plans. We do not have much time; we do not have much money, but we have the truth and we have the will to transform everything starting with ourselves.


“AFGE, AFL-CIO oppose mobilizing workers in opposition to Musk/Trump mass firings”