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The Tragedy of Japan日本の悲劇


日本の悲劇 (日本語の演説)

The Tragedy of Japan


エマニュエル パストリッチ

Emanuel Pastreich

Independent Candidate for President

I returned to my beloved Japan after many years, after teaching Japanese literature in the United States, telling Americans about the great wisdom in Japan. I was shocked, dismayed, and moved to tears by what I saw here in Japan.

In every street, I saw people stumbling along the sidewalk, unable to walk straight, leaning to one side or another, or clasping their sides with their hands because of invisible pain. I saw men and women, and sadly high school students also, with canes, often with canes tipped with red that indicate blindness, or the beginnings of blindness. I watched trying to make their way along the subway platforms.

This was the country where I had studied Japanese classical literature, where I had memorized passages of the Tale of Genji, where I had come to love the architecture, clothing and basic decent values of the people.

But this time my beloved Japan is subject to a silent war that is slowly crippling, and killing, the elderly, the middle aged, and yes, the young. It is a slaughter; it is massacre; it is a holocaust.

But no one dares to speak the truth, to say what has gone so horribly wrong, to call out the name of the evil god who murders Japanese one by one. No one dares to mention this quiet war with silent weapons that is butchering people across Japan.


These people who trusted the government, who trusted the newspapers, who trusted the doctors and professors, who trusted the international experts in the United Nations and Harvard, at 東京大学 and 厚生労働省、they were betrayed by all the authority figures. The citizens could not believe, did not want to believe that the authority figures, the people who have big houses and cars because of the taxes paid by ordinary people, that those people given special privileged had the cowardice, the greed and cruelty to betray them. But that is exactly what they did.

The told people that masks were required for a disease that did not exist. The forced them to keep away from each other, and to stop working in order to weaken social bonds and destroy the economy of common people.

Finally, in the most evil and cruel way, they forced them to get vaccines that were filled with poisons designed to destroy their immune systems, weaken their hearts, destroy their joints and cause blindness. It was not a mistake, the vaccines were designed to slowly kill people.

This criminality has happened around the world, but it is particularly bad in Japan.

Who was behind it? It is clear. A handful of rich people around the world who control the money, the politics, and the media for most of the world have launched a plan to make sick, to confuse and to divide the majority of humanity. They will continue to do so until we are all dead, or their slaves. I call on all Japanese to stand up, to refuse to go along with these lies, to demand justice and to get angry at the true invisible rich criminals who launched this war.















"FEAR NO EVIL" Emanuel Pastreich 2024 Campaign
Emanuel Pastreich, independent candidate for president of the United States, and journalist Peter Morris engage in open discussion of the real challenges we face with you. We do not hide from the true threats facing Americans, and we refuse to submit to limited hangouts, to promote cardboard messiahs, or to engage in narcissistic discussions about the insigificant. The discussion is directly linked to action as described in Pastreich's book "How to Take Down the Billionaires," and as practiced by Green Liberty.
Do join us and support us because we are running the only real campaign in 2024, one that will go to the finish line because we have NO intention of recognizing as president any of these puppets of global finance, private intelligence, foreign lobbying cartels, or billonaires--who wipe their rear ends with the Constitution. Better to follow the Constitution and to be blocked from the ballot than stoop down to take dark money from criminals, seen and unseen. The truth goes marching on. Come with us.
Leading the struggle to win back control of the United States from the parasite class.