
Why the United States Requires a special, presidential election

Emanuel Pastreich

There is no need to need to wait until November 5th for Donald Trump to tell you that the election was rigged and that he will not accept its results. After all, the election has nothing to do with Donald Trump and the results are not his concern. The results of the election are exclusively the concern of the American people and are not the personal property of Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, or their billionaire supporters.

No need to wait for Trump’s declaration to recognize that this election is rigged and corrupt, that it is an entertainment extravaganza put on by the billionaires to confuse us and to induce anxiety that inhibits our organization of an opposition.

Donald Trump did not go far enough. We cannot accept this election and we are obligated to organize a fair and transparent election in the near future in which every American citizen will be allowed to vote in a verified paper format that will be preserved, and that all citizens will be able to vote without any interference by the for-profit corporations who work to mislead us, and disenfranchise us.

Let us plan for a legitimate election can be held in February of 2025 (exact date to be determined by the local citizen’s election committees that will be set up over the next few months). All of our nation’s resources should be focused not on foreign wars, not on false flag operations, not on the brainwashing and dumbing down the population in the interests of multinational banks, but on holding up a truly fair election, including providing accurate information about the political and economic state of the United States, and about all the candidates, so that voters are aware of what is at stake and can make an informed choice.

The first step is to form local election committees of committed citizens to draft a plan for this election and its implementation, committees that takes into account best practices from around the world for fair elections, and that work with experts on elections in a tight-knit, professional, and transparent manner that makes it difficult to manipulate of information about candidates and issues, to alter the votes, and to deny of the right to vote. The practices and policies necessary for fair elections easily found and the United States can bring in professional election monitors for each state who will oversee every stage. 

It may be possible to extend this effort to the congressional elections, and the state elections, but that process may take longer. Once we have established election committees that are organized at the local level by citizens, and authorized to implement this plan in accord with the Constitution, we can start that discussion as well.

Giving citizens access to accurate information concerning the manner in which the nation is actually run, and the behavior of public officials that is not manipulated, information that will make it clear why the entire lobbying and consulting complex must be removed in order to establish a democratic system, is as critical as making sure the votes are counted.

Part of that education of the public must include an explanation of how Homeland Security has farmed out "anti-information" contracts to firms which empowers them, and rewards them, for eliminating candidates who run on a truth platform, and precisely how private intelligence firms, many based in Israel, have seized control of the entire political process, from the nomination of candidates by the parties to the counting of the votes.

Facing the facts about the election

Let us face the facts, fellow citizens. We have descended to the lowest realm of the inferno; we have wandered into a dark valley permeated by tragic, pathetic, and comic vapors that render this election unrecognizable, making alien in every respect, except the name “election,” from the democratic system established by the Constitution.

And yet none of the cowardly politicians who take the money in their gaudy offices, none of the venal media pundits who prance across the social media stage, none of the vain intellectuals who enjoy indulgent sinecures at Harvard or Stanford, none of them dare to state what is so obvious to the most casual observer: this election is a fraud, a plastic backdrop to the preparations for a world war and the enslavement of the population in a degraded techno-nightmare.

Perhaps they are too afraid of the bitter medicine known as truth, too covetous of riches and fame offered by the dark forces, to tell the people that the emperor has no clothes.

The intellectuals who have been so well educated using the taxes of working people, the intellectuals who understand the world in a sense that working people cannot, have fallen treasonously silent about the critical truths.

As a result, our nation cannot make the simple demand that has been made around the world, hundreds of times, in similar circumstances. I am talking about the simple, legal, and ethical demand that we must hold a transparent, accountable, and legitimate election, and that the election must be internationally supervised.

We have watched the elections in America degenerate since the fraudulent election of 2001. Somehow, we thought it would be just fine to look the other way when that travesty hit us. Politics and government have not been the same since. We refused to recognize the horrific damage done to our nation by that false election and the military takeover in February, 2000. It was as if we were stabbed in the back with a stiletto and merely covered over the tiny hole with a Band-Aid.

Does anyone in his or her right mind think that looking the other way in the 2024 election will allow things to heal on their own, that a healthier politics will emerge without our efforts, without a brave and uncompromising struggle?

If your husband beat you last night, and the night before, will kind words and amnesia make things better tonight? If the babysitter abused your baby last week, and the week before, will playing stupid make the babysitter kinder tomorrow?

We must be aware that any attempt to implement a transparent and accountable special election in the United States will be subject to efforts by the billionaires to force-feed us some new form of tyranny.  Nevertheless, we have no choice in light of the drive for world war abroad, the covert implementation of a military government and military economy at home, to demand a fair and transparent election. We are not in danger of losing democracy. We have been living for years under a military dictatorship with a few oases of truth.

We must be aware also that forcing the election to be an election, forcing the government to be a government, in accord with the Constitution, is in itself a revolutionary act, a revolutionary act condoned by, and encouraged by, the Declaration of Independence, the key document that established this nation. We must reject the presidential election and “put in place guards for future security”—to quote the Declaration of Independence—at the local level that ensure the integrity of the elections.

The United States is a house that has been burned to the ground. There is no use pretending that it is still there if it is not, or that the roof can keep out the rain when it has been incinerated. Nevertheless, the stone foundations, the chimney, and the metal gratings can be put to good use in a new home. The remaining parts of our nation are the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the best of our traditions of political philosophy and practice, from Thomas Paine to Mark Twain, from Frederick Douglass to Eugene Debs, Henry Wallace and Martin Luther King. Our best traditions are also found in the common decency of working people.

The rest of the nation is burnt wreckage. Over there it may still look like a bearing wall, but just push it and you will see it is but fragile cinders that crumble at the touch. It may look like a federal government, but try to contact someone and you will find that it is has been reduced to the cat’s paw of the rich and powerful.

We assume that to deny citizens the right to vote is never grounds for demanding that an election be held again, or that those involved in the crime of suppressing the vote be charged with felonies and sent to jail. It is assumed that it is not a big deal to have easily hacked software on voting machines, or voting machines that leave no verifiable trace of the intended vote. The gravest crimes against our citizens are not treated like crimes.

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

Let us consider the two figures whom the media tell us are the candidates for president—even though both have been selected in a completely undemocratic manner by the rich via the Democratic and Republican Parties, two decayed institutions that are not identified anywhere in the Constitution.

I will not elaborate on why these two are unqualified to serve as president.  Let us say that the active collaboration of both Ms. Kamala Harris and Mr. Donald Trump in the 9/11 operation and its continued cover up (a false flag operation to end the rule of law, establish secret governance, and launch a series of global wars for profit), in the defense and justification of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing and COVID-19 relief programs (the illegal counterfeiting of over 30 trillion dollars for the benefit of the super-rich), and in the COVID-19 pandemic (a psychological operation meant to traumatize the citizens, destroy constitutional and legal rights, and create a techno-tyranny) makes them both guilty of multiple felonies.

Their other illegal actions are secondary. Their personal foibles and eccentricities are irrelevant. Participation in state crimes is sufficient grounds for banning them from all political activity.

The Democratic and Republican Parties

These two candidates did not come out of nowhere. They were promoted by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, two criminal syndicates that have lost any trace of democratic process in their administration and serve only as platforms for billionaires and multinational banks to manipulate policy and public opinion. These two organizations should be investigated by international tribunes and their criminal activities should be revealed to the world. Until those investigations are complete, however, the Democratic and Republican Parties should not play any role in the election process.

Regarding the independents and the candidates of other political parties, that is to say all the candidates who are allowed to appear in the media as alternatives, but who refused to confront state crimes and did not address the true nature of secret governance in the United States after 9/11 and during COVID-19 operation, most of them were not involved in those crimes to the degree of Mr. Trump and Ms. Harris were and they should be allowed to run in the special election. I am talking about Jill Stein of the Green Party, Chase Oliver of the Libertarian Party, Randall Terry of the Constitution Party, independent candidate Cornel West, and Joseph Kishore of the Socialist Equality Party, and others.

The election should be open, however, to all qualified candidates, however, and those who have fought against the totalitarian rule of our nation should be given proper attention in journalism and credit for their efforts.

The multinational corporations, investment banks, and billionaires and their foundations and trusts that have seized control of politics and reduced it to a circus of depravity cannot play any role in the special election. That is to say there will be no lobbying, no corporate donations, no donations by the rich, no NGOs and PACs paid to promote fictions.  

Currently, the United States has no ballot chain of custody; the votes of citizens are counted by private corporations that are in cahoots with the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and other corporate interests. There are no paper tallies, or receipts, for most voting, and the vote is recorded on proprietary software that is easily altered in secret. The “popularity” of candidates is set by for-profit public opinion polls run by companies who promote people for pay and who ignore vast swaths of the population.

The voting process, and the campaigns of the candidates, are controlled by domestic and foreign operations, most importantly by AIPAC, a lobbying firm that serves as an effective cover for the intelligence agency Mossad of Israel, and other players, and is devoted to the complete control of all political activity in the United States.

That corruption of the election process is best represented by the Foreign Malign Influence Center within the Office of the Director of the National Intelligence, and specifically its Election Threats Executive (ETE).

The Foreign Malign Influence Center is aptly named. This center is run for the malign influence of foreign powers, specifically Mossad and other Israeli-based global intelligence institutions, but also for multinational corporations and banks that parade as “American” but pay little or no taxes, are incorporated outside the United States, and service billionaires around the world. The Foreign Malign Influence Center, however, promotes a cover story that it defends elections against interference by Russia, China, and Iran. Yet, although such threats are also real, the operations are carried out by the rich in those nations through consulting firms does not compare to the efforts of other malign interests headquartered in Washington DC, London, Berlin, Paris, and Tel Aviv.

A Concrete plan for a special presidential election

Starting at the local level, we need to organize citizens into local committees that are committed to hold a fair election using paper ballots that will be preserved in a voting procedure that is handled by the citizens themselves in a transparent manner in accordance with the Constitution. That process will also involve allowing all citizens to obtain proper ID without delay, including economic support, if required, to obtain such ID rapidly and for transportation to polling places. Polling places must be sufficient so that no one anywhere need wait more than fifteen minutes. All working people must be granted time off from work to learn about the issues and they must be given access to detailed and accurate information about who the candidates are, and what policies they propose, information prepared by fellow citizens and untouched by corporations, banks, millionaires, or the consulting firms they employ.

Needless to say, to start this process in a nation whose citizens are constantly manipulated by the supercomputers that lurk behind TV broadcasts, social media, pornography, and games, working tirelessly to lull citizens to sleep and to destroy all traces of civil society, will be a major task. It would be a mistake to say how it must be done in detail because the solution will be presented to us by the common men and women who arise to the historical occasion.

The United States must be a humble student; we must eager to learn from other nations, from thoughtful people around the world, about what democracy can be and what it should be.

The larger problems with democratic process in the United States, such as the unfair electoral college, must also be addressed. But we cannot start that process until we have established an independent electoral system at the local level that is run by citizens.

We can start soon to organize a national conference of committed citizens that will prepare a concrete plan for forming the local election committees that will guarantee that we have a fair and accountable presidential election. The local election committees will take over the process of introducing candidates, providing accurate information about issues and policies, extending the right to vote to all citizens, making sure that citizens have the ability to exercise the right to vote, assuring that the votes are counted in an accurate manner, and preserving the paper ballots.

This election will establish a truly transparent and accountable process in the elections across the United States and open the door to both participatory and representative democracy for all. Poor neighborhoods, native American reservations, and remote towns inhabited by those whom the powerful have abandoned must all be guaranteed be guaranteed transport to polling places and access to verifiable voting systems.

We must hold open gatherings, town halls, in which citizens are encouraged to meet together and exchange opinions in good faith, to form democratic committees and associations that will consider in detail the policies proposed by candidates.

These meetings between citizens will establish bonds that then will grow in the future, allowing citizens to solve problems themselves through cooperation at the local level, rather than voting for strangers who are expected to solve problems for them. Part of the preparation for this election will be about self-sufficiency for citizens and independence from presidents. Part of this election will be about allowing citizens to organize themselves and solve problems without government.