First Steps for Real Change in America
Towards a Provisional Government
(June, 2021)
Part 4
Emanuel Pastreich
We do not need any more media-savvy swiveling between the fraudulent flavors of “progressive” and “conservative,” the Pepsi and Coke of debased politics.
Before we recognize anyone as president, we must first establish a Provisional Government for the United States of America in accord with the Constitution.
That provisional government will devote its efforts to reestablishing a republic and a democracy based on the Constitution.
That effort can only be successful if we take the following six steps:
We will list the billionaires, investment banks, private equity funds and the other parasitic financial institutions that have taken control of our nation’s government and detail how they govern us illegally.
We will make all information public regarding their criminal takeover, and their criminal administration, of our country. We will bring criminal charges against the leaders, and seize their assets, regardless of how many politicians they own, or how many billions of dollars they claim to possess.
We will take control of the economy, starting with money and finance (especially the Federal Reserve), and create an economy of the people, by the people and for the people.
The speculative economy will end and all fiscal policy will be drafted in close coordination with citizens using scientific data concerning the true short-term and long-term challenges facing our nation. For-profit organizations will play no role in the formulation of economic policy, nor will foreign economic concerns. Corporations whose stock is owned by foreign interests, that have their headquarters outside of the United States, will not be considered American.
We will establish true journalism, starting with journalism produced by networks of patriotic citizens, that is dedicated to the pursuit of truth, and does not shy away from taboo subjects. This journalism will have no corporate sponsors and will be accompanied by social media networks and search engines that are run as regional and national cooperatives responsible to the people, that have pursuit of truth, not profit, as their paramount goal.
We will establish an international committee of ethical citizens to oversee an investigation of the criminal actions by those pretending to be the United States government for the last twenty years. Base on the findings of those public investigations, we will make proposals for a revolutionary restructuring of the government so as to make the citizen again sovereign.
Only then will we be able to hold transparent and accountable elections for the President and the Congress that allow the citizens to vote on the basis of accurate information, elections from which corporate money and private wealth will be banned.
Criminal syndicates like the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, not described in the Constitution, will play no role in these open and fair elections.
We will set down national security priorities related to the threats facing our citizens. The process of assessing those security concerns will be immune from the lobbying of weapons manufactures and investment banks. We will consider crucial issues such as the collapse of biodiversity, the destruction of our climate, the concentration of wealth and the misuse of technology to destroy the minds of our citizens. We will also stop the use of automation and communications technology by corporations to destroy our livelihoods. We see the war of the rich against the citizens of the Earth as the primary security threat of our age.
We will reform the United Nations so that it will become a space for true “Earth” governance that takes an internationalist perspective, and is not a tool for globalism. We will banish from the United Nations the money chargers and the plutocracy who have shredded the United Nations Charter and made its employees into their lapdogs.
The demands are simple, but achieving them will require vision, inspiration, tenacity and sacrifice. The rebuilding of the United States, in accord with its sacred Constitution, will be both a national and an international project.
We call out to all Americans, to all patriots who can hear our voices, and especially to those who were lucky enough to receive outstanding educations, privileged enough to obtain specialized training in the sciences, in international relations, in economics and in medicine. It must be you! Lawyers, doctors, professors, technicians, government officials, corporate executives and business owners! This is your moment of truth.
This is the moment when you must choose to stand with the downtrodden, choose to help citizens, who have not been so fortunate as you have, to distinguish truth from falsehood.
Those who possess extreme riches are not your friends. They care no more for you than they do for the homeless.
We declare today that in our streets, in our neighborhoods, in our states and in our nation, the United States of America, the super-rich and their minions shall have no dominion. The government titles or institutional trappings that they have stolen, or bought, grant them no authority over us.
If truth slips from our grasp, the powerful can easily twist our sentiments. The evil that they stir up shifts patterns, so as to blend into any scene, like a moth, like a chameleon.
Our provisional government will adhere to the constitution, to the sacred truth and to our moral indignation. We know no other masters.
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